Sea level rise vulnerability of natural and human coastal ecosystems – March 12

Ross Clark, MLML and Central Coast Wetlands Group
Moss Landing Marine Labs Seminar Series - March 12th, 2020

Hosted by The Invertebrate Ecology Lab

MLML Seminar Room, 4pm

Open to the public

~More info coming soon!~ 




Ross Clark has 20 years of experience drafting and implementing California’s Nonpoint Source Control Program both as a university researcher and as state agency staff. He is currently charged with developing regional programs to improve the restoration and management of state wetland resources and implementing programs to reduce nutrient loading to Central Coast surface waters.  Ross manages a team of field scientists supporting the development and implementation of the State’s wetland monitoring program and the integration of wetland restoration activities into regional and State water quality and land use planning efforts. Since 2008 he has also been tasked with developing the City of Santa Cruz strategic plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and identify key threats from, and appropriate responses to climate change and sea level rise.



















The Age and Growth of an MLML Ichthyology Alum: 20 years in and around the Pacific Groundfish fishery – March 26th

Melissa Mahoney, Environmental Defense Fund
Moss Landing Marine Labs Seminar Series - March 26th, 2020

Hosted by The Ichthyology Lab

MLML Seminar Room, 4pm

Open to the public

~More info coming soon!~ 



Melissa’s fisheries background spans across academic, governmental, and non-profit sectors. She has performed a wide variety of fisheries research projects including age and growth studies of rockfish, fishery sustainability and markets, socio-economic analyses, geo-spatial mapping and qualitative ethnographic research.Early in her career, Melissa developed a fisheries education project for Monterey Bay area youth (now run by NOAA’s Sanctuary Program), and most recently a documentary film to tell the stories of California’s commercial fishermen (

Prior to joining EDF’s team, Melissa worked for The Nature Conservancy of CA, forming collaborative partnerships with fishermen to test new co-management techniques, market-based incentives, and monitoring technologies for improved fisheries management. Melissa currently serves as Steering Committee member to the National EM Working Group and as an Advisor to the Monterey Bay Fisheries Trust, a local non-profit serving the commercial fishing industry



















Webinar – Ocean ecology of steelhead as revealed by pop-up satellite archival tags – April 9th

Emily A. Miller, Monterey Bay Aquarium
Presenting: "Ocean ecology of steelhead as revealed by pop-up satellite archival tags"

MLML Webinar |April 9th, 2020 at 4pm

Watch the Live Stream Here!


Emily is interested in how the interactions between organisms and their environment change over space and time. She especially enjoys research questions that help us understand migration ecology and that inform the conservation of California species and ecosystems. Her tools of choice to answer these questions are biotelemetry and stable isotope ecology. Emily is an Assistant Research Scientist in the Conservation Research Department at Monterey Bay Aquarium, where she has worked for the past two years. In this position, she has worked on several projects studying the historical ecology of sea turtles and marine macroalgae, fish ocean movements, and fisheries. Before joining the Monterey Bay Aquarium, she graduated with a PhD in Ecology from U.C. Davis and a Masters from Columbia University in Conservation Biology. Her dissertation involved tagging and tracking green and white sturgeon in the San Francisco Bay and Sacramento River to examine spatial niche partitioning. Emily is also interested in communicating science to a wide audience though data visualizations and art.

Watch Emily Miller’s Remote MLML Seminar Below:

Webinar-Beyond the Waves at “Mortuary Beach:” The Secret Lives of Fishes off Monterey’s Most Feared Beach – April 16th


James Lindholm, CSUMB
Presenting: "Beyond the waves at 'Mortuary Beach:' The secret lives of fishes off Monterey's most feared beach "

MLML Webinar| April 16th, 2020 at 4pm

Watch the Live Stream Here!


Dr. James Lindholm is the James W. Rote Distinguished Professor of Marine Science and Policy and the Chair of the Department of Marine Science at California State University Monterey Bay. He also serves the Chair of the Research Diving Program.

A native Californian, Dr. Lindholm attended California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo for his undergraduate studies, and Boston University for graduate school (both MA and PhD). He then completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the National Undersea Research Center at the University of Connecticut, before taking a job with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Dr. Lindholm has conducted research around the world, including the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans, as well as the Mediterranean, Caribbean  and Red Seas, using technologies ranging from ROVs, AUVs and HOVs to SCUBA and drift camera systems. His research interests include the landscape ecology of fishes, design and evaluation of spatial management regimes, and the ecological effects of fishing.

​Dr. Lindholm has published a textbook, Dynamic Modeling for Marine Conservation (with Springer Verlag) and 39 research articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals. His first novel, a thriller titled Into a Canyon Deep, was published in Summer 2017. The sequel, Blood Cold, was published in December 2018. He is now working on Dead Men's Silence, Chris Black's third adventure.

Watch James Lindholm’s Remote MLML Seminar Below:

Webinar-Research, Teaching, and Mentoring: Musings of a generalist optimist – April 23rd


Jim Harvey, MLML/SJSU
Presenting: "Research, teaching, and mentoring: Musings of a generalist optimist"

MLML Webinar| Month Day, Year at 4pm

Watch the Live Stream Here!


Director Jim Harvey, has taught at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories since 1989. Himself a 1979 graduate of the Moss Landing Masters program, he returned to chair the Vertebrate Ecology Lab after obtaining a Ph.D. in Oceanography (with minors in Wildlife Ecology and Statistics) at Oregon State University in 1987, and completing a NRC Postdoctoral Fellowship with NOAA’s National Marine Mammal Laboratory in Seattle, Washington, in 1989.

Dr. Harvey’s research interests include the ecology, morphology, and behavior of marine mammals, birds, and turtles; VHF/satellite-telemetry; marine mammal/fisheries interactions; vertebrate sampling techniques and experimental design; age and growth; population and trophic dynamics; and marine mammal stranding studies. His past research has included studies of population dynamics, food consumption, and behavior of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina); behavior of rehabilitated harbor seals released to the wild; use of acoustical deterrents in marine mammal/fisheries conflicts; radio-tagging gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus); and potential effects of toxic pollution on harbor seal health and reproduction. He was involved in the responses to a 1979 mass stranding of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) on the Oregon coast, the 1988 entrapment of three gray whales in the ice near Barrow, Alaska, and the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska.

Currently, Dr. Harvey’s research includes studies regarding feeding ecology of California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) and Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardii); pinniped/fishery interactions; assessing natural and anthropogenic changes in populations of birds, mammals, and turtles in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary; and development of remote attachment and release mechanisms for data recorders on cetaceans, pinnipeds, and sea turtles.

Dr. Harvey serves on a federally-mandated Task Force devoted to sea lion/steelhead fisheries interactions at the Ballard Locks in Washington. He is a member of the Research Activity Panel for the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, the Reserve Advisory Committee for the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, and the Research Advisory Committee for The Marine Mammal Center.

Watch Jim Harvey’s Remote Seminar Below:

Galapagos corals: Canaries in the coal mine-August 29th

Cheryl Logan, CSUMB/MLML

Moss Landing Marine Labs Seminar Series - August 29th, 2019

Hosted by the Vertebrate Ecology Lab

MLML Seminar Room, 4pm

Open to the public

Dr. Logan is an Associate Professor in the School of Natural Sciences at California State University, Monterey Bay. Her research focuses on the physiological mechanisms that marine animals use to survive in their environments, from the biochemical to the whole organismal level. In the face of climate change, understanding the mechanistic basis for why species ranges are shifting is fundamental to predicting which species will be the “winners” and “losers” in our changing environment. She studies how ecologically important fish and invertebrates regulate their physiology in response to temperature, hypoxia and ocean acidification associated with climate change.

Cheryl Logan Presents: “Galapagos corals: Canaries in the coal mine”

Tracking fish and fisheries for ocean management-September 5th

Tim White

Moss Landing Marine Labs Seminar Series - September 5th, 2019

Hosted by the Fisheries Conservation and Conservation Biology Lab and PSRC

MLML Seminar Room, 4pm

Open to the public

Tim is a fisheries scientist who works with governments, academic partners, and environmental groups to support fisheries management and conservation. He has tracked fishing vessels, reef sharks, white sharks, and other vulnerable species to inform their management. Before joining Global Fishing Watch, Tim earned a PhD at Stanford and worked as a fisheries observer aboard Bering Sea crab boats, a research diver at the University of Alaska and the National Park Service, and a fisheries researcher in the U.S. and Kiribati. Tim loves fishing, surfing, and diving.

Tim White Presents: Tracking fish and fisheries for ocean management

Accessing satellite data and other oceanographic data from the NOAA’s CoastWatch’s ERDDAP – September 19th

Cara Wilson, NOAA

Moss Landing Marine Labs Seminar Series - September 19th, 2019

Hosted by the Invertebrate Zoology Lab

MLML Seminar Room, 4pm

Open to the public

Cara Wilson is a satellite oceanographer for the Environmental Research Division (ERD) at NOAA’s Southwest Fisheries Science Center in Monterey CA and is the PI of two regional nodes of NOAA’s CoastWatch program – the West Coast Regional Node and PolarWatch, which are both housed at ERD. Her research interests are in using satellite data to examine bio-physical coupling in the surface ocean, with a particular focus on determining the biological and physical causes of the large chlorophyll blooms that often develop in late summer in the oligotrophic Pacific near 30°N. She received a Ph.D. in oceanography from Oregon State University in 1997, where she examined the physical dynamics of hydrothermal plumes.  After getting her PhD she worked as the InterRidge Coordinator at the University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, France.  Her introduction to remote sensing came with a post-doc at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center which involved analyzing TOPEX and SeaWiFS data. She joined NOAA in 2002 and has been active in increasing the satellite usage within the National Marine Fisheries Service. She is also the treasurer for PORSEC (Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference) and the current chair of the IOCCG (International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group).