MLML Director Jim Harvey provides insight for floating Harbor Seal haul out site at Alameda Point, CA

The Harbor Seals at Alameda Point have a new floating haul out site to replace the old wooden dock previously used. The floating site is gradually being moved to acclimate the seals to a safe place to rest near the ferry maintenance facility. Dr. Harvey provided insight on float design and location.

Read more about how Harbor Seals Adapt to New Home Afloat:

Two harbor seals sleep on the new float provided by the Water Emergency Transportation Authority. The metal grab hooks on the float were installed so that the fabricator could lower the float into the water. Once the float is anchored at its permanent location, the hooks will be removed and the voids grouted, although the seals like using them as pillows. One side of the float has a ramp for easy access. Photo by: Richard Bangert

Friends lecture Wednesday October 5th at 7pm

Come spend the evening at Moss Landing Marine Labs to hear Author David Helvarg speak about his new book The Golden Shore - California's Love Affair with the Sea and the history, culture, and changing nature of California's coasts and ocean. Join us while Helvarg examines how the Pacific has come to define California's economy, lifestyle, and adventurous culture. The lecture starts at 7:00pm and will be in the main seminar room. Recommended donations for non-friends of MLML is $8. If you are unsure if you are a friend of MLML you can check by calling 831-771-4100 or emailing friends at Hope to see you there!

Click here for the PDF.

MLML researcher Dr. Ross Clark featured in the Santa Cruz Sentinel, again!

MLML Research Affiliate Dr. Ross Clark is again featured in the Santa Cruz Sentinel. This time he asks why restoring wetlands makes sense.

Read the full article here:

Watsonville Wetlands Watch Wetlands like East Struve Slough in Watsonville are a transition zone, a meeting place of land and water where energy, resources and species mix within an aquatic stew found nowhere else. Efforts are underway statewide to restore wetlands that have been filled over the years. Photo by: Ross Clark, Earth Matters

Friends lecture Wednesday July 20th at 7pm

Come spend the evening at Moss Landing Marine Labs to hear Jason Adelaars speak about a few of the projects happening at Moss Landing Marine Labs. Learn how we are using cutting-edge technology to remove nutrients from agricultural run-off, identify areas vulnerable to the impacts of sea level rise around Monterey Bay, and create real-time oceanographic monitoring to achieve results. The lecture starts at 7:00pm and will be in the main seminar room. Recommended donations for non-friends of MLML is $8. If you are unsure if you are a friend of MLML you can check by calling 831-771-4100 or emailing friends at Hope to see you there!

The Monterey County Weekly features Dr. Mike Graham and Monterey Bay Seaweeds

Dr. Mike Graham and his work at MLML's Center for Aquaculture is featured in the Monterey County Weekly. The article provides a detailed look at Dr. Graham's fledgling company and the value of seaweeds in the ocean and as human food.

Follow this link to learn more:

Michael Graham, who grew up on Southern California beaches and has never lived more than a mile from the ocean, harvests sea lettuce from his ocean-fed Moss Landing tanks. Photo by: Nic Coury