Seminar – Modeling studies of the California Current System – October 13th


Dr. Chris Edwards, UC Santa Cruz

Hosted by the Physical Oceanography Lab

Presenting: "Modeling studies of the California Current System"

MLML Seminar Room | October 13th, 2022 at 4pm

Watch the Live Stream here or here

Christopher Edwards is a professor in the Ocean Sciences Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He received his BS from Haverford College in 1988 and his PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in 1997. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, and a research scientist at the University of Connecticut before becoming a faculty member at UC Santa Cruz in 2002. Dr Edwards’ research centers on the development and analysis of regional ocean models and methods of data assimilation used for studying ocean circulation, biogeochemistry and fisheries. His research presently focuses on physical and biological interactions within the California Current System, the collection of ocean currents off the U.S. west coast.