The Pacific Shark Research Center is crowdfunding to name a new species of ghost shark

Dr. Dave Ebert and students of the Pacific Shark Research Center have been featured on the popular science blog, Southern Fried Science, for their crowdfunding efforts to name a new species of ghost shark.

The Southern Fried Science blog can be found at the following link: 

To learn more about the project and donate, please visit the following link:

Congratulations to MLML alumni Clint Collins on his new position at University of Hawaii, Manoa

Please join us in congratulating Clint Collins, recent graduate of the Benthic Lab, in his new job as Diving Safety and Logistics Specialist at University of Hawaii Manoa! Clint’s extensive underwater experience includes diving in Antarctica for his thesis work, and this image portrays the invaluable support he provided his advisor during field work.

Benthic Lab highlighted for work with MBARI engineers to utilize the SeeStar camera system in Antarctica

Check out the article posted in The American Scholar titled "A Cold Look: Diving deep into Antarctic ecosystems" that highlights the cooperation between the MLML Benthic Lab and MBARI engineers to utilize the SeeStar camera system in Antarctica.

Follow this link to read the article:

The view from 600 feet down in the McMurdo Sound (National Science Foundation).

MLML Director, Dr. Jim Harvey, comments in the Santa Cruz Sentinel on the high number of orcas spotted in Monterey Bay

About two dozen orcas have been spotted hunting in Monterey Bay since early April. Dr. Jim Harvey comments on the recent orca sightings and their hunting strategies.

Follow this link to learn more:

An orca breaches in Monterey Bay on Thursday. Photo by: Michael Sack, Sanctuary Cruises 

Dr. Kim Stacy in the Benthic Lab publishes on deep sea hydrothermal vent communities

Peripheral vent communities in the Western Pacific are poorly known, and currently under threat from deep sea mining. We found abundant carnivorous suspension feeders, with distinctive spatial distributions of endemic species. Graduate student Kenji Soto is investigating the causes for this pattern in his thesis research.

Follow this link for the full paper:

MLML Director, Dr. Jim Harvey, comments in the Santa Cruz Sentinel on orcas hunting gray whales

Dr. Jim Harvey gives insight into orcas hunting gray whale calves in Monterey Bay. The article is featured in the Santa Cruz Sentinel at the link below.

Follow this link to learn more:

A family of orcas, including a calf, surfaces together after harassing a humpback whale in Monterey Bay. Photo by: Bethany Augliere

From Tuscan Mountains to MLML – Dr. Ivano Aiello spotlighted at SJSU Spring 2016 University Scholars Series

MLML's Dr. Ivano Aiello is invited to speak at San Jose State University for their 2016 University Scholar Series. Dr. Aiello will speak about microfossil-rich marine sediments and its relationship to past climate conditions at 12:00pm on March 23 in MLK room 225/229 on the SJSU campus. An article about Dr. Aiello is featured on the SJSU's Academic Spotlight web page here. The University Scholars Series is co-sponsored by the Office of the Provost, the University Library and the Spartan Bookstore.