Steve Moore
Professor of Marine Science, Biology
Robotic Gadgetry Lab Director (Chief EEL Trainer)
Department: School of Natural Sciences @ CSUMB
phone: (831) 582-3775

Dr. Steve Moore is a professor of Marine Science in the School of Natural Sciences at California State University, Monterey Bay. His educational background, teaching, and research projects reflect his interest in applying physics and engineering to the study of animals in their natural habitats. The courses he teaches regularly include Marine Biology, Robotics for Environmental Research, and Ocean Instrumentation Projects. Dr. Moore directs an on-campus research lab called the Ecosystem Electronics Lab (EEL). Undergraduate and masters students in the EEL typically work on field-based marine ecology projects using small ROVs, time-lapse underwater cameras, oxygen dataloggers, and other equipment for observing and recording where marine animals live, what they do, and how they interact with their environment. The majority of the projects focus on benthic (bottom-dwelling) marine invertebrates living in the ocean's "Twilight Zone" depths between about 20 m and 150 meters (500 feet) deep. Much of the equipment used by EEL students to study marine life was designed and built by students in the EEL using skills they developed in Dr. Moore's robotics and/or ocean instrumentation classes.