Student Theses

Student Theses

Kathleen P. Cieri (2023)

Composition and Distribution of Fish Assemblages in Cap de Creus Natural Park in Relation to Marine Protection Levels, Depth, and Habitat

Kinsey E. Matthews (2023)

Improving Species Distribution Models of Continental Shelf Fishes off California

Rachel O. Brooks (2021)

Geographic variation in the life history and demography of Canary Rockfish, Sebastes pinniger, along the U.S. West Coast

Bonnie L. (Brown) Basnett (2021)

Geographic and ontogenetic variation in the trophic ecology of Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) along the U.S. West Coast

Jennifer A. Chiu (2018)

Diets and stable isotope signatures of Yellowtail rockfish (Sebastes flavidus) in Central California

Anne C. Tagini (2018)

Spatial modeling of demersal rockfish distributions off Central California

Christian T. Denney (2017)

Characterization of a New Stereo-Video Tool to Survey Deep Water Benthic Fish Assemblages with Comparison to a Remotely Operated Vehicle

Ryan T. Fields (2016)

Spatial and temporal variation in Rosy Rockfish (Sebastes rosaceus) life history traits

Andrea L. Launer (2014)

Sex-specific distributions of leopard sharks in Elkhorn Slough, California

Cheryl L. Barnes (2014)

Growth, mortality, and reproductive potential of California halibut (Paralichthys californicus) off Central California

Jahnava K. Duryea (2014)

Evaluating methods to anesthetize gopher rockfish (Sebastes carnatus) for immediate release in the field: induction, recovery, and cortisol stress response to surgical anesthesia

Katherine T. Schmidt (2014)

Life history changes in female blue rockfish, Sebastes mystinus, before and after overfishing, in Central California

Erin K. Loury (2011)

Trophic ecology of the gopher rockfish (Sebastes carnatus) inside and outside of Central California marine protected areas

Kristin I. Hunter-Thomson (2011)

Nearshore fish assemblage patterns with respect to landscape-scle habitats in Central California

Kristen M. Green (2010)

Movements of Black Rockfish (Sebastes melanops) in Carmel Bay, California

Ashley P. Greenley (2009)

Movements of Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) tagged in Carmel Bay, California

Tom Wadsworth (2009)

Trends in abundance surveys of nearshore and rocky reef fishes in Central California 1959-2007

Briana C. Brady (2008)

Long-term changes in biological characteristics and fishery of Loligo opalescens

Cyndi L. Dawson (2007)

Prickly shark, Echinorhinus cookei, movement and habitat use in Monterey Canyon

Aaron P. Carlisle (2006)

Movements and habitat use of femal leopard sharks in Elkhorn Slough, California