By Jim Harvey (2 September 2016)
We are starting to get some of the pictures from the MLML 50th Anniversary celebration, so for the next few blogs I am just going to post pictures from the weekend. All the following photos were taken by David Schmitz. Please comment as needed. I will try and identify people but I will need help.
On Friday afternoon (5 August 2016) we had a VIP Reception, a few photos from that event.
Then on Saturday morning, the MLML clan began to assemble. For most the day people reminisced, caught up, and toured the lab.
And they posed for pictures.
All of the labs were photographed although some people missed their allotted time and did not make the lab photo. I have added many lab shots here, but did not list all the people. So if someone wants to make a go of listing all the people in your lab's photo, I will amend this blog.
More to come in future blogs, including the Geological, Chemical , and Biological Oceanography labs and pictures of folks from the BBQ and dance. Please send us any pictures you want to share with us.