Qing Wang
Adjunct Faculty
Department: Chemical Oceanography, Meteorology
email: qwang@nps.edu
phone: (831) 656-7716
office: Naval Postgraduate School

Dr. Qing Wang is Full Professor in the Meteorology department at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey and an Affiliated Research Faculty at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. She is an expert in electromagnetic ducting at the air-sea interface: the study of how light and radio-waves are bent and distorted forming mirages and radar distortion along the horizon. Her studies employ instrumentation to measure heat and water vapor flux, marine aerosol composition, atmospheric water droplet inventory and optical/infrared/x-band radio distortion. She earned a BS and MS degree from Peking University, and a PhD from Pennsylvania State University. She currently directs several multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional programs nationwide and is working with the Chemical Oceanography Laboratory regarding the role of fog in the transport of contaminants from the sea to the land. She is an accomplished teacher and internationally respected researcher.
Curriculum Vitae:
Recent Publications:
- Wang Q., and S. Wang, 2004: Turbulent and Thermodynamic Structure of the Autumnal Arctic Boundary Layer Due to Embedded Clouds. Bound-Layer Meteorol. 113, 225-247.
- Khelif, D., C. A. Friehe, H. Jonsson, Q. Wang, and K. Rados, 2004: Wintertime Boundary-layer structure and air-sea interaction over the Japan/East Sea. Accepted by Deep Sea Research.
- Kalogiros, J. A., and Q. Wang, 2002a: Calibration of a radome-differential GPS System on a Twin Otter research Aircraft for turbulence measurements. J. Atmos. Ocean Tech., 19, 159-171.