Richard Starr
Research Faculty
Department: Fisheries and Conservation Biology, Ichthyology
phone: (831) 771-4442
office: 413a MLML Main Lab
Dr. Rick Starr is a research faculty member at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories and former Director of the California Sea Grant Extension Program. Rick's research is focused on the biology and ecology of marine species that are harvested as fishery resources. He and his students in the Fisheries and Conservation Biology lab study aspects of the life history of fished species such as age and growth, reproduction, feeding, species-habitat relationships, and movement ecology. We are especially involved with collaborative fisheries research, evaluating marine protected areas, and using ROVs, submersibles, and video camera systems to survey continental shelf and slope fishes. Rick has conducted research projects in a variety of locations around the world including Alaska, the U.S. West Coast, Mexico, Costa Rica, Belize, and Spain.
Research Interests:
- Conservation biology
- Fisheries
- Telemetry
- Resource management
Curriculum Vitae:
Selected Publications
- Starr, R.M., E. Ballesteros, E. Sala, J.M. Llenas. 2018. Spawning behavior of the tiger grouper (Mycteroperca tigris) in a Caribbean atoll. Environmental Biology of Fishes DOI: 10.1007/s10641-018-0813-4
- Aspillaga, E., F. Bartumeus, R.M. Starr, À. López-Sanz, C. Linares, D. Díaz, J. Garrabou, M. Zabala, B. Hereu. 2017. Thermal stratification drives movement of a coastal apex predator. Nature Scientific Reports. 7:526. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-00576-z.
- Starr, R.M., M.G. Gleason, C.I. Marks, D. Kline, S. Rienecke, C. Denney, A. Tagini, J.C. Field. 2016. Targeting Abundant Fish Stocks While Avoiding Overfished Species: Video and fishing surveys to inform management after long-term fishery closures. PLOS One. 11(12): e0168645. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0168645.
- Greenley, A., K. Green, and R.M. Starr. 2016. Seasonal and ontogenetic movements of Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) in central California, with implications for marine protected area management. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations. Vol. 57, 2016.
- Marks, C.I., R.T. Fields, J.C. Field, R.R. Miller, S.G. Beyer, S.M. Sogard, D. Wilson-Vandenberg, D. Howard, R.M. Starr. 2015. Changes in size composition and relative abundance of fishes in central California after a decade of spatial fishing closures. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations. Vol. 56, 2015
- Barnes, C.L., R.M. Starr, and P.N. Reilly. 2015. Growth, mortality, and reproductive seasonality of California halibut (Paralichthys Californicus): a biogeographic approach. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations. Vol. 56, 2015.
- Starr, R.M., D.E. Wendt, C.L. Barnes, C.I. Marks, D. Malone, G. Waltz, K.T. Schmidt, J. Chiu, A.L. Launer, N.C. Hall, N. Yochum. 2015. Variation in responses of fishes across multiple reserves within a network of marine protected areas in temperate waters. PLOS One. 10.1371/journal.pone.0118502
- Green, K.M., A.P. Greenley, and R.M. Starr. 2014. Movements of Blue Rockfish (Sebastes mystinus) off Central California with Comparisons to Similar Species. PLOS One. Vol. 9, Issue 6. e98976.
- Starr, R.M., K. Green and E. Sala. 2012. Deepwater fish assemblages at Coco Island National Park and Las Gemelas Seamounts, Costa Rica. Revista Bioligia Tropical. 60 (Suppl. 3): 347-362. Epub 2012 Dec 01.
- Starr, R.M. and M.M. Yoklavich. 2008. Monitoring MPAs in Deep Water off Central California: 2007 IMPACT Submersible Baseline Survey. California Sea Grant College Program Publication T-067. 24 pp.