Research Affiliates


Research Affiliates are researchers who are generally in residence at MLML and hold a Ph.D. or M.S. degree. Most can serve as Principal Investigators on grants, but they typically do not mentor students or teach courses.

Scott Benson
Office: Norte
Department: NOAA Marine Mammal and Turtle Division
Contact Information:
Phone: (831) 771-4154
Fax: (831) 633-0805
Dustin Carroll

Department: Physical Oceanography
Contact Information:
Phone: (541) 525-3237

Ross Clark

Office: Sandholdt Office
Department: Central Coast Wetlands Group
Contact Information:
Phone: (831) 771-4411

Karin Forney

Office: Norte 56
Department: NOAA Marine Mammal and Turtle Division
Contact Information:
Phone: (831) 771-4155
Fax: (831) 633-0805

Wesley Heim

Office: Norte 17
Department: Marine Pollution Studies Lab
Contact Information:
Phone: (831) 771-4459

Kevin O'Connor

Office: Sandholdt Office
Department: Central Coast Wetlands Group
Contact Information:
Phone: (831) 771-4495


Marco Sigala
Office: Norte 14
Department: Marine Pollution Studies Lab
Contact Information:
Phone: (831) 771-4173
Mark Stephenson
Office: Norte 28
Department: Marine Pollution Studies Lab - DFW
Contact Information:
Phone: (831) 771-4177
Mark Yarbrough
Office: Hawaii MOBY
Department: MOBY
Contact Information:
Phone: (808) 847-3449
Jenifer Zeligs

Department: SLEWTHS (Science Learning and Exploration with the Help of Sea Lions)
Contact Information:
Phone: (831) 771-4191

Former Research Affiliates