Seminar – Ice melt and biological productivity at the edge of the Greenland ice sheet

Dr. Mike Wood, San Jose State University
Presenting: "Ice melt and biological productivity at the edge of the Greenland ice sheet"

MLML Seminar | November 2nd, 2023 at 4pm

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The Greenland ice sheet is the largest mass of ice in the northern Hemisphere, comprising more than 200 glaciers and enough ice to raise sea level by over 25 feet. In the past several decades, the ice sheet has been melting, contributing to sea level rise, and causing changes in biological productivity in the regional ocean around the ice sheet. In this talk, I will start by providing an overview of the main drivers of Greenland ice loss and uncertainties in our future projections of overall sea level rise. Next, I will highlight some of my recent observational and modeling work to better constrain future sea level projections resulting from Greenland ice melt. I will conclude my talk with a description of some new efforts to investigates changes in phytoplankton growth around the ice sheet and couple regional ocean models with biogeochemistry. This talk will highlight collaborations with scientists at all levels including undergraduates at SJSU, graduate students at MLML, and scientists at MLML and NASA.


Mike is a (relatively) new professor at MLML, starting in January 2023. He holds a joint appointment with the SJSU Department of Computer Science and is in the process of starting up a Computational Oceanography lab at MLML. Mike is interested in any topic that uses satellites observations, numerical ocean models, and in situ observation to further our understanding of the ocean and its role in climate change. His main research activities are currently focused on ice-ocean-biology interactions and sea level rise from the Greenland ice sheet. Being a California kid, Mike enjoys surfing and climbing when he can get a break from prepping classes or debugging code.

Remote Seminar – Expanding Our Models of Nature and Modes of Science for a Safe and Just Future

Dr. Anne Salomon, Simon Fraser University
Presenting: "Expanding Our Models of Nature and Modes of Science for a Safe and Just Future"

MLML Seminar | October 26th, 2023 at 4pm

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With the climate, biodiversity, and inequity crises squarely upon us, never has there been a more pressing time to rethink how we conceptualize, understand, and manage our relationship with nature. This is acutely true among the world’s coastal oceans where marine ecosystems provide the nutrition, livelihood, climate regulation, and well-being for over 3 billion people globally. While it is conventionally assumed that the alteration of marine ecosystems by people is a recent phenomenon and inherently destructive, human societies have been intentionally shaping, enhancing, and sustaining biodiversity across the planet’s coastal oceans for millennia. In fact, for thousands of years people have been developing innovative practices to maintain resilient relationships within coastal ecosystems amid predator disturbance and extreme climatic events. By weaving ecological, archaeological, and Indigenous knowledge, I will share recent discoveries from Canada’s west coast kelp forests and ancient clam gardens revealed only by considering people as fundamental components of nature, looking back through time, and democratizing ocean science itself. Expanding our models of nature and modes of science will help disrupt scientific paradigms, illuminate novel interactions, and guide us towards more ecologically sustainable and socially just ocean policies.


Anne Salomon is a Professor of Applied Marine Ecology and Social-Ecological System Science at Simon Fraser University working at the nexus of applied ecology, sustainability science, and marine policy. She seeks to discover what makes the relationships between people and other components of nature resilient to disturbance to inform ecologically sustainable and socially just conservation policies. She is deeply committed to working across disciplines and sectors to catalyze transdisciplinary research that addresses environmental challenges of concern to global society. She links science to policy by co-designing and co-delivering research with Indigenous knowledge holders, resource users, and government agencies, with knowledge mobilization as a fundamental goal of her research program. Her ecological research incorporates archaeological and Indigenous knowledge to provide greater time-depth to her analyses of coastal system dynamics and to democratize ocean science and governance. Anne was elected to the Royal Society of Canada College in 2019, named a Pew Fellow in marine conservation in 2013, and awarded the International Prize in of Professional Excellence in Ecology in 2013.

Seminar – Dynamics of Coastal Upwelling Fronts

Dr. Thomas Connolly, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
Presenting: "Dynamics of Coastal Upwelling Fronts"

MLML Seminar | October 19th, 2023 at 4pm

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The seminal work of Ekman during the early twentieth century showed that wind blowing parallel to the coast and the effects of the Earth’s rotation can produce offshore transport in the surface boundary layer and upwelling of cold, dense water near the coast. This process stimulates high primary productivity by supplying nutrient-rich water to the euphotic zone. Ekman’s theory and many modern studies predict that the upward transport associated with coastal upwelling occurs over a shallow region near shore known as the inner shelf. However, these theories do not account for sharp gradients in velocity and density near the front that separates cold, dense water near shore from the warmer, lighter water farther offshore. Observations, idealized modeling experiments and a new theory are presented to explain how the cross-shore distribution of upwelling changes in different situations. A simple ecosystem model illustrates the potential effects on plankton distributions and primary productivity.


Tom is a physical oceanographer at Moss Landing Marine Labs who studies the dynamics and ecological impacts of circulation in the coastal zone. Tom received his Ph.D. in Oceanography from the University of Washington in 2012, where he studied shelf and slope circulation off the coasts of Washington and British Columbia. As a postdoctoral scholar at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution from 2012-2015, he used a wide range of observations to study nearshore currents along the US east coast. At Moss Landing, he has continued his research in the shallow waters near the coast, while also returning to some of his favorite topics in the California Current System: seasonal currents, submarine canyons, and biogeochemical impacts of coastal upwelling.

Seminar – Marine N2 fixation: Importance of enigmatic nitrogen-fixing symbioses in open ocean and coastal ecosystems

Dr. Kendra Turk-Kubo, UC Santa Cruz
Presenting: "Marine N2 fixation: Importance of enigmatic nitrogen-fixing symbioses in open ocean and coastal ecosystems"

MLML Seminar | October 12th, 2023 at 4pm

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Biological dinitrogen (N2) fixation is a critically important component of the marine N cycle, as it supplies readily-available nitrogen (N) and can support primary productivity. N2 fixation is mediated by some Bacteria and Archaea, referred to as diazotrophs. These specialized single-celled organisms convert nitrogen gas from the atmosphere and convert it to biologically available nitrogen via nitrogen fixation. Marine nitrogen-fixing microbes inhabiting the well-lit surface ocean have diverse physiologies, from free-living autotrophs to particle-bound heterotrophs to symbiotic associations with eukaryotes, and few cultivated marine nitrogen-fixers are available to study in isolation. Their distributions and nitrogen-fixing activities are controlled by a complex interplay between physical and chemical controls and biological interactions that vary from species to species. My research uses cultivation-independent techniques and biogeochemical rate measurements to advance our understanding of the environmental drivers behind the distribution and activity of some of the most enigmatic nitrogen-fixing taxa. Today I will talk about some recent research centered on the importance of enigmatic marine nitrogen-fixing symbioses in both oligotrophic and coastally-influenced ecosystems.


Kendra is a marine microbial ecologist studying specialized microbes that convert nitrogen gas into bioavailable nitrogen, which is a vital process supporting oceanic primary productivity. Her research focuses on understanding the ecophysiology of poorly understood nitrogen-fixing microbes, an effort fundamental for improving our ability to predict the magnitude and distribution of nitrogen fixation in contemporary and future oceans. Many nitrogen-fixers have yet to be isolated in culture, so Kendra’s research relies on extensive field work and applying cultivation-independent techniques to detect and study these cryptic microbes. Kendra’s uses single-cell rate measurements, targeted molecular techniques, metagenomics, and biogeochemical rate measurements to enable integration across huge spatial scales in the ocean.

Remote Seminar – Star Track: Sea star wasting disease, sunflower sea star recovery, and potential consequences for kelp forest health

Dr. Sarah Gravem, Oregon State University
Presenting: "Star Track: Sea star wasting disease, sunflower sea star recovery, and potential consequences for kelp forest health"

MLML Seminar | September 28th, 2023 at 4pm

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I am a marine ecologist that works at the intersection of community and behavioral ecology. I focus on rocky intertidal and kelp forest ecosystems and am interested in how species interactions and communities are affected by climate change, environmental variation, and marine diseases. I study how predators affect prey populations and prey behavior, and am particularly interested in the resulting consequences of these key interactions for the rest of the players in the ecosystem.

As a leading member of the Pycnopodia Recovery Working Group, I was a lead author on the listing of the sunflower sea star as an endangered species through the IUCN Red List after its severe declines from wasting disease. I am actively working to understand and restore this species. This large predator has over 20 arms and can grow to the size of an extra large pizza. It is also a top predator, and its decline was followed by a rapid increase in its herbivorous sea urchin prey and a decline in kelp forests. I am working to understand basic demographic information on this star, and to understand whether it truly can support healthy kelp forests.

As a science advisor to the Oregon Kelp Alliance (, I am working to actively restore Oregon's once lush kelp forests by working with a diverse group of researchers, commercial divers, aquaculture specialists, marine tourism businesses, restaurants, local tribes, and more. We are testing and implementing several tools to reduce sea urchin densities and support kelp recovery.

Remote Seminar – Using field work and otolith analysis to train a diverse workforce in Fisheries Ecology – September 21, 2023

Dr. Jose Marin Jarrin, Cal Poly Humboldt
Presenting: "Using field work and otolith analysis to train a diverse workforce in Fisheries Ecology"

MLML Seminar | September 21st, 2023 at 4pm

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Cal Poly Humboldt has a culturally diverse student body that has led its faculty and staff to pursue the creation of a culturally sustaining environment. In order to achieve this goal, Humboldt first partnered with ESCALA, a professional development organization, to transform our instructional culture to benefit Latinx and Hispanic students, and then, developed an internal program called Creando Conciencia (Create Awareness, in Spanish) to continue this effort. Besides these university-wide efforts, in our lab we have partnered with tribal nations, and city, state and federal institutions in order to provide our diverse students with the best learning environment possible. In this presentation, I will discuss two projects describing the status of Night Smelt and Redtail Surfperch in sandy beach surf zones in Humboldt and Del Norte counties, that our students are currently carrying out. These two fish species are of cultural, commercial and ecological importance, who despite inhabiting the same habitat appear to be experiencing opposite population trends. Finally, I will briefly introduce a new program funded by a University of California Office of the President California Climate Action Seed grant that will allow us to expand our collaborations to five coastal tribal nations and will provide capacity building and priority species research in marine and estuarine habitats.


I am originally from Guayaquil, Ecuador where I obtained a B.Sc. in Biology at the University of Guayaquil. Thanks to a Fulbright Scholarship, I moved to Charleston, Oregon to pursue a M.Sc. in Marine Biology at the University of Oregon’s Oregon Institute of Marine Biology. I then moved two hours north, to Newport Oregon, where I obtained a Ph.D. in Fisheries Science from Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center. After finishing my Ph.D., my family and I moved to Mount Pleasant Michigan, where I was a postdoctoral fellow at Central Michigan University, and Guayaquil, Ecuador, where I was a research and teaching fellow at Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral. Before joining Cal Poly Humboldt, I worked at the Charles Darwin Research Station (CDRS) in Galapagos, Ecuador, as a Senior Fisheries Ecologist. During that time, I was also the interim science coordinator for CDRS for nine months, and participated in the sharks, seabirds, seamounts and climate change programs. These experiences have led me to pursue research geared towards high-use and/or low-information/data-limited fisheries species, and towards the provision and analysis of vital early and adult life history data of fishes and crustaceans, especially with respect to impacts from local fishery pressures and climate change. In order to achieve this goal, I use a combination of field, laboratory analysis and numerical modeling approaches.

Remote seminar – Are they worth the woes? Evaluating fluorescence-based sensors for a rapid alert of sewage contamination in the Tijuana River Estuary – September 14

Dr. Natalie Mladenov, San Diego State University
Presenting: "Are they worth the woes? Evaluating fluorescence-based sensors for a rapid alert of sewage contamination in the Tijuana River Estuary"

MLML Seminar | September 14th, 2023 at 4pm

Watch the Live Stream here or here


Due to the public health risks of wastewater contamination of coastal waters worldwide, there is a need for rapid tracking of sewage-laden flows. Fluorescence-based submersible sensors have been used for monitoring organic contaminants in natural waters; however, their potential to serve as a real-time warning of high bacteria concentrations and wastewater pollution under estuarine conditions with tidal influence remains to be evaluated. The Tijuana River Estuary has been plagued by decades of cross-border sewage flow that poses major public health risks for beach goers, Navy Seals, and border patrol agents, and has resulted in long-term beach closures on both sides of the US-Mexico border. This study assessed the use of submersible, in-situ tryptophan-like (TRP) and humic-like (CDOM) fluorescence sensors for tracking fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) concentrations in real-time in the Tijuana River Estuary during three conditions: 1) dry weather without cross-border sewage flow, 2) dry weather with cross-border flow, and 3) wet weather with cross-border flow. FIB concentrations of samples collected during scenario #2, dry weather with cross-border flow, were most significantly correlated with submersible TRP and CDOM sensor fluorescence. TRP and CDOM fluorescence were also measured using a benchtop, scanning fluorometer with instrument corrections, which yielded significant correlation (p < 0.001) with FIB concentrations under all hydrologic conditions, reflecting the superior performance of the benchtop instrument. Regular maintenance conducted weekly or fortnightly was required to minimize sensor fouling. Also, the presence of high strength wastewater resulted in an inner filter effect, which requires post-processing corrections or data flagging as part of quality control efforts. Overall, we conclude that TRP and CDOM sensors are currently able to provide real-time warning of sewage contamination. However, quantifying the magnitude of contamination is not yet possible in real-time, and efforts are underway in our research groups to achieve this goal.

Seminar – Genomic investigations into the evolution of hyper-diverse fish clades

Dr. Liz Alter, CSU Monterey Bay
Presenting: "Genomic investigations into the evolution of hyper-diverse fish clades"

MLML Seminar | May 11th, 2023 at 4pm

Watch the Live Stream here or here

Dr. Liz Alter is a marine evolutionary biologist, Assistant Professor of Biology at California State University, Monterey Bay and a Research Associate at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Her research focuses on understanding how biodiversity is generated and maintained, particularly in oceans, estuaries and rivers, using the tools of genomics. Dr. Alter serves as a Commissioner on the Fish and Wildlife Advisory Commission of Santa Cruz County, as well as the Scientific Advisory Board of the Billion Oyster Project, which seeks to restore coastal ecosystems while training high school students in marine science. She holds a PhD from Stanford University’s Hopkins Marine Station, and an MS from UC Berkeley.

Seminar – Using tags and tech to support conservation and management in a dynamic ocean

Dr. Danielle Haulsee, Hubbs Seaworld Research Institute
Presenting: "Using tags and tech to support conversation and management in a dynamic ocean"

MLML Seminar | May 4th, 2023 at 4pm

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Danielle Haulsee is the Chief Science Officer at Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute, specializing in fisheries oceanography and the spatial and behavioral ecology of marine animals. She obtained her Ph.D. in 2017 from the University of Delaware's College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment, focusing her doctoral work on characterizing the movement ecology and social dynamics of a coastal top predator found along the East Coast of the U.S., the sand tiger shark. A key feature of her research is integrating advanced bio-logging (using tags carried by animals to record information), remote sensing and underwater robots to study the impact of a dynamic ocean on the occurrence and distribution of marine fish and sharks. Using these technologies, Danielle focuses her research on tackling applied research questions, contributing to bycatch reduction strategies, impact assessments of offshore wind development, and working towards more effective dynamic ocean management strategies. Her work spans multiple oceans, from studying the movement ecology of sharks and sturgeon in the Atlantic, to the fisheries ecology of billfish in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, to the oceanography of the White Shark Cafe in the Central Pacific and off the Nansen Ice Shelf in Antarctica.

Seminar – Arising Rhizaria: Unraveling their Silicification process

Dr. Natalia Llopis Monferrer, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Presenting: "Arising Rhizaria: Unraveling their Silicification process"

MLML Seminar | April 27th, 2023 at 4pm

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Natalia Llopis Monferrer is a postdoctoral fellow at the Carbon Flux Ecology Lab at MBARI. She received her PhD in Chemical Oceanography at the “Université de Bretagne Occidentale” (France). Natalia is a motivated biogeochemist with a passion for understanding how plankton influences the cycling of certain elements in our oceans, working to improve our knowledge of ocean biogeochemical cycles. Her research focuses on the ecology of silicifying Rhizaria, which are eukaryotic, mostly heterotrophic single-celled organisms, globally distributed, dwelling chiefly in the open ocean, from the surface down to bathypelagic depths. The goal of her postdoctoral project at MBARI is to characterize the silicification process in Rhizaria by combining different techniques: (i) exploration of genomic data to characterize the SITs of Rhizaria at different environmental conditions, (ii) targeted collection and maintenance of these delicate protists using cutting-edge technologies (e.g., remote operated vehicles, microfluidics) and, (iii) state-of-the-art imaging techniques, based on optical, fluorescent and electron microscopy, to examine silica deposition at a cellular level. This project will shed light on the little-known ecology of individual Rhizaria, and their ultimate role in relation to diatoms in the global plankton ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles.