Dr. Mariko Hatta | Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
Presenting: "Dissolved Al on the Chukchi Shelf and the Shelf Slopes in the Canada Basin"
Hosted by the MLML Chemical Oceanography Lab
MLML Seminar | February 26th, 2025 at 4pm (PST)

Dissolved Aluminium (dAl) has been recognized as a valuable tracer of atmospheric (dust) deposition as well as the riverine input at the surface waters, displaying surface anomalies and relatively low values in deep/bottom waters (Measures and Vink, 2000; Grand et al., 2015). In the Arctic Ocean, the extensive sea ice coverage typically maintains low surface dAl levels by obstructing direct atmospheric deposition. However, the melting of "dirty" ice may introduce entrained sediments into the surface water, potentially influencing dAl concentrations (Measures, 1999). Moreover, dAl concentrations in the Arctic tend to increase with depth, suggesting potential sources from the sediment/water interface in deep/bottom water, as discussed by Measures and Hatta (2021). The variations in dAl values serve as valuable indicators of weathering processes along the sediment/water interface. In this talk, I will present recent findings from Arctic research along the shelf slopes, utilizing a new analytical technique developed during Arctic cruises aboard the R/V Mirai.
Dr. Mariko Hatta
Arctic Oceanographic Researcher at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
I am an Arctic oceanographic researcher at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). My research focuses on understanding ocean conditions by using micronutrients and trace elements as tracers and developing novel analytical methodologies for oceanographic studies.