
Dr. Diana Steller

MLML Diving Safety Officer/Research Faculty

Office: (831) 771-4440
DSO Profile

Matt Hess

MLML Assistant Diving Safety Officer/Graduate Student

Office: (831) 717-8469

Jess Franks

MLML Diving Program Assistant/Graduate Student

Office: (312) 282-1140

Previous Dive Safety Officers:

Mike Foster 
Gary Ichikawa 
John Heine 
Jason Felton 


Previous Assistant Diving Safety Officers:

Cyndi Dawson 
Aurora Alifano 
Paul Tompkins 
Scott Gabara
Clint Collins 
Angela Zepp
Sloane Lofy
Shelby Penn

Diving Control Board

The MLML Diving Control Board (DCB) provides guidance to the Research Diving Program and the Diving Safety Officer. It has the responsibility to establish and/or approve training programs and diving projects, recommend changes in policy and procedure, review and approve proposals for research programs diving under the auspices of MLML, recommend new equipment, review and revise and assure compliance with the MLML/AAUS Diving Standards.

Members Include: