AAUS Swim Test
Must pass on first day of class in the pool, no swim aids allowed
1) 400 yards swim in under 12 minutes
2) 25 yards underwater swim (** practice this under close supervision)
3) 10 minutes tread water
4) 25 yards swimmer transport
5) 30 sec breath-hold

Skin Skills
In pool, then ocean - with skin gear (mask, fins, snorkel, & weight belt)
1) Weight belt removal and replacement (R&R), at surface and at depth – 10’
2) Mask R&R
3) Fins R&R
4) Any 2 items R&R
5) Skin Rescue
6) 50 yards underwater on 3 breaths
SCUBA Skills
In pool, then ocean - in full SCUBA gear
“Passing” a skill means completing the objective safely, comfortably, and without instructor intervention.
1) Removal and Recovery (R&R) of gear at surface and at depth – weight belt/pouches,
BCD, mask, & regulator
2) BCD orally inflate, remove and replace power inflator (surface and at depth)
3) Buddy breath 25 yards without mask as donor and recipient**
4) Octopus breath 25 yards without mask as donor and recipient**
5) SCUBA rescue**
6) Self Rescue - CESA - Controlled Emergency Swimming Ascent, simulated buoyant ascent
7) Full UW gear exchange with buddy*
8) Full Gear Ditch and Don*
9) 400 yards surface swim in full scuba gear, breathing on snorkel < 20 minutes
* non-mandatory skill, conducted in pool only
** These skills will be simulated or modified for COVID safety/non-contact