#9: Eat some algae (ice cream)!

Open House countdown: 11 days!

Did you know that seaweed is not only in your sushi, but in your ice cream too?  The phycology lab will be dishing up this sweet treat for free at Open House to show off the wonderful thickening properties of an algae-derived carbohydrate (What is it called? You’ll just have to stop by to find out!).

Now entering the kelp forest! Come grab some ice cream - and learn how algae helps make it so delicious!
Now entering the kelp forest! Come grab some ice cream - and learn how algae helps make it so delicious!

They will also have fun activities like seaweed printing and pressing, and a grab bag to let you try your hand at algae identification!  Come and learn all about the amazing adaptations plants have to survive in their marine environment that is so different from land!