The Ballast Water Balancing Act

By Catherine Drake, Invertebrate Zoology Lab

Docked in the Carquinez Strait, an offshoot of the San Pablo Bay in the city of Vallejo, is the TS Golden Bear.  It is a training ship for the California Maritime Academy, which—like MLML—is a campus of the California State University.  The Biological Oceanography lab at MLML utilizes the ship for ballast water research.  As ships traverse the globe, they pick up ballast water from one area and release it back into the ocean once they reach their destination.  Ships uptake seawater into their ballast tanks to optimize balance and streamlining when traveling a great distance.  During this process, potentially invasive planktonic organisms are brought into the tanks and transported by being held in the ballast tank during travels.  As these organisms are released back into the ocean, they are now introduced into a new environment.

The TS Golden Bear, which houses the laboratory and is the source of ballast water used in the research conducted by the MLML Biological Oceanography lab.
Ships take in seawater and store it in ballast tanks in order to remain balanced as they glide through the oceans. Then, they discharge the ballast water as they enter a port or harbor.

This can pose a problem, as some plankton can become invasive, meaning that they can outcompete native organisms in a habitat.  According to Ruiz, et al., shipping is considered the largest transfer mechanism for coastal invasions.   As a result, regulations developed by IMO (International Maritime Organization) are implemented to reduce invasive plankton.  One of their requirements forces ships to reduce the number of live zooplankton to 10 live zooplankters per 1000 liters after the water has been treated with a kill-factor (toxic reagents, oxygen reduction, UV light, heat, etc).  “Though the challenge of coming up with an effective but environmentally safe kill factor is still up and coming, so are the methods to determining the quality of the treatment system,” says Julie Kuo, a student in the Biological Oceanography Lab.  Consequently, this has enhanced the collaboration between engineers, and scientists to construct standard operating procedures to determine the quality of a treatment system based on IMO regulations.

Copepods, tintinnids, rotifers, and cladocera are all zooplankton that can be found in ballast water.

Enter Dr. Welshmeyer and the Biological Oceanography lab: the purpose of their project is to count the number of live zooplankton alive before and after the treatment.  This process is used to determine whether or not the treatment tested on the Golden Bear is successful at meeting the IMO regulations.  As we boarded the ship, we carried microscopes and coffee down through the ship to a room that was designated as our lab.  In the 8 by 15 foot room, we setup our microscopes and began counting zooplankton.  That particular day, we were counting pre-treated water, which was full of zooplankton swimming around; this included tintinnids, copepods, rotifers, and nauplii.  After our counts of the live and dead zooplankton, we extrapolated that there were anywhere from 100,000 to 200,000 live organisms per cubic meter; up to 60% were alive in an untreated sample that was concentrated from one cubic meter of water from the Carquinez Strait.  So, treatment systems have to be incredibly affective in order to kill all but ten zooplankton in ballast water!

Julie Kuo, a graduate student in the Biological Oceanography lab at MLML, counts the number of zooplankton in a sample of pre-treated ballast water.

Invertebrate Spotlight: Sunflower Star

By Catherine Drake, Invertebrate Zoology Lab

One great aspect of being a graduate student in the invertebrate zoology lab at MLML is that we get the chance to take care of various invertebrates in our aquarium room.  Currently, we have anemones, mussels, crabs, and sea stars living in our tanks.  One of the sea stars, called a sunflower star (Pycnopodia helianthoides), is special and gets its own tank for a number of reasons.  Firstly, the sunflower star is the largest sea star in the world, and can grow up to one meter in length.  Sunflower stars generally have 15 to 24 arms, which is more arms than any other species.  They are also the heaviest sea star and can weigh up to 5 kilograms, which is about 11 pounds.  So we like to give our big star plenty of room to roam around - sunflower stars are fast and can move up to one meter per minute!

Many sunflower stars (Pycnopodia helianthoides) living in a kelp forest. Sunflower stars are the largest sea star and can be many different colors.

Below is a video of our sunflower star, and you will be able to see various distinctive features.  Along its arms are tube feet, which operate by hydraulic pressure and are part of the water vascular system that facilitates respiration, movement, and feeding.  Sunflower stars generally have about 15,000 tube feet!  In the center of the body, you can see a white spot, or madreporite, which is a water filter for the vascular system.  The blue nodules on the sea star are called pedicellaria, which are pincers on the body wall and are used for protection; if you put your hand on them, it feels like Velcro!


Follow me to Open House

By Michelle Marraffini

Invertebrate Zoology Lab

chile Open House shirt
Follow me to Open House! Students on a field trip in Chile sporting their Moss Landing gear.

The labs are a buzz gearing up for this year’s Open House festivities.  If you haven’t heard, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories host an annual Open House during our spring semester.  This large public outreach event allows our neighbors, local school children, parents, and hopefully incoming graduate students to interact with current students, faculty, and staff in a fun, exciting way.   This event will include a scavenger hunt, seminar talks, dune walks, a marine themed puppet show, and so much more.   Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to take a behind the scenes look at our lab and the research we are doing.

See you there April 21st and 22nd!!!

For more details visit our website at

Moss Landing Scientists Contribute Four New Shark Species

by Angela Szesciorka, Vertebrate Ecology Lab

One hundred and forty two new species were discovered last year. Four of those were deep-sea shark species discovered by Moss Landing Marine Laboratories’ Dr. David Ebert and his colleagues. Their findings, as well as some interesting facts about the sharks, were featured in National Geographic among the new species found in 2011.

The previously unknown shark species they described included Pristiophorus nancyae, Etmopterus joungi, Etmopterus sculptus, and Squatina caillieti (does that last one sound familiar?).

Pristiophorus nancyae was named by Ebert and Dr. Gregor Cailliet after it was accidentally captured in a 490-meter trawl off Mozambique. This species, also called the African dwarf sawshark, is the seventh species of known sawshark. Like all sawsharks, P. nancyae has an elongated beak (rostrum) like a sword. It will swim with schools of fish, sideswipe prey with its rostrum, then snatch them up. P. nancyae was named for Nancy Packard Burnett because of her support for chondrichthyan (sharks and rays) research at the Pacific Shark Research Center at Moss Landing Marine Labs.

Pristiophorus nancyae (Photo: Dave Ebert)

Etmopterus joungi, a new species of lanternshark, was named by Ebert, James Knuckey, and Dr. George H. Burgess after being discovered in northeastern Taiwan (for sale at a fishmarket!). Knuckey is a master’s student in the Pacific Shark Research Center (PSRC) at Moss Landing Marine Labs studying the phylogenetics of eastern North Pacific skates. The new lanternshark is morphologically similar to the Etmopterus pusillus group. The body of the lanternfish contains light-producing organs called photophores, which can be used to light up the darkness of the deep-sea and for luring prey.

Etmopterus joungi (Photo: Dave Ebert)

A second lanternshark, Etmopterus sculptus, was described by Ebert, Leonard J.V. Compagno and Marlee J. De Vries after being found off the coast of southern Africa. E. sculpus is morphologically similar to the Etmopterus lucifer group and was named after the sculpted appearance of its linear denticles. E. sculpus is found along the upper continental slopes between Namibia and southern Mozambique at depths between 450 and 900 meters. Unfortunately there are no publically available photographs of this new species, so the drawing below must suffice.

Etmopterus sculptus (Photo: Schaaf-DaSilva)

Squatina caillieti, an angel shark, was named by Ebert, Jonathan H. Walsh, and Compagno in honor of Moss Landing Marine Lab’s Gregor Cailliet, and is the only known representative of its family. It was named from a single specimen collected at 370 meters depth off the island of Luzon (Philippines). As a bottom-dwelling shark, S. caillieti has wing like pectoral fins and lies partially buried in sediment waiting to ambush passing prey.

Squatina caillieti (Photo: PSRC)

According to the PSRC, these discoveries are part of a recent boom in new species as well as shark and ray finds.

“Over the past decade, about 200 new [shark] species have been described, compared with fewer than 200 in the previous three decades”, Ebert said.

MLML is the second highest contributor to the discovery boom, especially with respect to publications, according to Knuckey. And the rates of description have been increasing every decade. The graph below shows the trend of new species discoveries since the mid-1700s.

Named species since 1758. (Photo: Journal of Fish Biology)

According to the Journal of Fish Biology’s review of the taxonomy of chondrichthyan fishes, the Australian National Fish Collection, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and Moss Landing Marine Labs have contributed descriptions for 125 species since 2000.

Yet very little is known about the discovered species’ behaviors or their predators. Many shark species are restricted to narrow ranges and have limited habitats. Funding tends to go toward higher profile species, so research for lesser-known species is scarce.

“A lot of [shark] species are going under the radar because they're not as high profile as, say, the great white shark”, said Ebert.

According to Knuckey, “One other thing that the common layperson, or even scientist, doesn’t seem to understand is that most new species out there aren’t ‘sexy’ species … They are often small or deep water, drab-colored species that have only been seen once. Even though they don’t get the publicity of some well-known species, it is important to know what species of ‘non-sexy’ species are out there, because if you don’t know what species exist then you cannot protect them adequately.”

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, 32 percent of sharks and rays are threatened with extinction, especially due to overfishing. It is estimated that more than 73 million are killed annually, many just for their fins. Because sharks take years to mature and have few young, they are particularly sensitive to overfishing. Despite these threats, little is being done to protect them.

In 2010 Hawaii became the first state to ban the possession, sale and distribution of shark fins followed by Washington, Oregon, Guam, and most recently (the much anticipated and not without controversy) California.

You can read The Pew Environment Group’s 2011 paper on The Future of Sharks here.

The complete list of new species found in 2011 is listed on the California Academy of Sciences website. The list includes one reptile, three coral species, 11 plants, 9 sponges, 13 fish, 31 sea slugs, and 74 arthropods (mostly ants and goblin spiders). The list can be found here.

From Diving to the laboratory

By Michelle Marraffini

Invertebrate Zoology and Molecular Ecology

Scott Gabara in the Lab
Scott Gabara makes an appearance in the lab after a long day of diving
A six hour drive and an hour long boat ride from Moss Landing Marine Laboratories brings you USC’s marine laboratory, Wrigley Institute of Environmental Science on Catalina Island.   Here several current and past students are working to understand the unique habitats surrounding the coves of this island, Rhodolith beds.   Rhodoliths are free living coralline algae that branch out from a central axis to form a round ball.  These balls aggregate to form beds which provide a great amount of habitat heterogeneity in area that is surrounded by soft sediment.  These beds are home to a large amount of invertebrates including white urchins we found on our last dive trip down to Catalina Island.   Scott Gabara, blog co-author and phycology student, is studying the invertebrate recruitment of invertebrates to these beds.   He brought a group of Moss Landing students, lab helpers and divers, down to help collect and analyze recruitment devices placed in the beds last October and to collect samples for isotopic analysis of the community.   The results of this experiment are yet to be analyzed but we had a blast collecting them.
White Urchins
White Urchins found in a rhodolith bed surrounding Catalina Island

Basking Shark on the Move

By Dave Ebert

Pacific Shark Research Center

Basking Shark
Basking Shark Photo by Alex McLeod

A Basking Shark (Cetorhinus maximus) tagged off the California coast in June 2011 has turned up northeast of the Hawaiian Islands. The shark, which was first spotted, and tagged with a pop-up satellite tag, traveled nearly 2500 miles over the past 8 months, making this the longest recorded movement of this shark species in the Pacific Ocean. In addition to the distance moved by this shark, data on the water temperature and the depth that the shark traveled was also recorded. This information will be important in determining habitat preference and utilization.

Despite their coastal occurrence in temperate seas, this large (up to 30 feet or more) charismatic species is poorly known. This is especially true in the Eastern North Pacific where no studies have been made on their abundance or population structure. The IUCN lists the Basking Shark as vulnerable globally, but in the Eastern North Pacific it is listed as endangered.  In Canada it has been listed as endangered where its population has undergone significant historical declines. More recently (April 2010) the U.S. listed the Pacific coast Basking Shark population as a “Species of Concern”.

The Basking Shark is the second largest shark species in the world and has been reported globally from high latitude seas, including arctic waters, to the lower latitudes including the tropics. The distribution of these sharks changes seasonally with their abundance shifting from higher to lower latitudes in the autumn and winter months. As they move into warm temperate and tropical seas they exhibit subtropical submergence diving to cooler waters often several hundred meters below the surface. This explains why they are rarely, if ever, seen in the tropics. Read more

Take a Hike!

By Michelle Marraffini

Invertebrate Zoology Lab

Torres del Paine sign
Torres del Paine photo by: Michelle Marraffini


During the winter break, six students received the amazing opportunity to take the field class Global Kelp Systems, taught in Puerto Montt Chile.  In the few weeks prior to the course we traveled around Chile and neighboring countries to take full advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity.  Phycology student Sara Worden, and I traveled to the Chilian National Park Torres del Paine.  We were amazed at the landscape of the Patagonian steppe, enormous mountain peaks, and blue green glacial lakes that dotted the horizon.  Our journey to the park consisted of a 3 day hike up to los Torres, the namesake of the park, and around to los Cuerrnos.

Torres del Paine
Part of our hike in Torres del Paine Photo by: Michelle Marraffini

The mountainous group of Paine called massif consists mainly of granite and sedimentary rocks.  This mountain was formed 12 million years ago (the Andes Range of Mountains formed 60 million years ago) and from a geological standpoint this landscape is considered new.  The origin of the relief is from a unique combination of upheaval of the Paine Mountain Range and the erosive action of the glacial advances and reverses.

Los Cuerrnos
Los Cuerrnos captured on the second day of our hike. Notice the light grey granite with the darker sediments at the peaks. Photo By: Michelle Marraffini

The differences in color seen in the rocks and formations are due to granite (light grey) and sediment (black or dark grey).  Most of this sediment has been dated to the Cretaceous period with intrusions of Miocene laccolith.

Los Torres
View from the Top: Los Torres and glacial lake Photo by: Michelle Marraffini

Glacial weathering over the last ten thousand years is responsible for many of the sculptural features of Torres del Paine including the Torres where their overlaying sedimentary rock layer has been completely eroded away leaving behind the more resistant granite.  Los Cuerrnos is also a great example of this glacial weathering which show dark, central bands of exposed granite with contrast their dark peaks of remnants of heavily eroded sedimentary stratum.   Throughout our hike we kept using our knowledge of geology to tell the story of these thousands of year’s old formations and it made this impressive landscape even more beautiful.

Glacial lake and bedding
Glacial lake and bedding of Torres del Paine, the bedding was likely deposited horizontally and later uplifed. Photo by: Michelle Marraffini