Follow me to Open House

By Michelle Marraffini

Invertebrate Zoology Lab

chile Open House shirt
Follow me to Open House! Students on a field trip in Chile sporting their Moss Landing gear.

The labs are a buzz gearing up for this year’s Open House festivities.  If you haven’t heard, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories host an annual Open House during our spring semester.  This large public outreach event allows our neighbors, local school children, parents, and hopefully incoming graduate students to interact with current students, faculty, and staff in a fun, exciting way.   This event will include a scavenger hunt, seminar talks, dune walks, a marine themed puppet show, and so much more.   Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to take a behind the scenes look at our lab and the research we are doing.

See you there April 21st and 22nd!!!

For more details visit our website at