Support Oceans in the Classroom – Add a Drop to Donor’s Choose

Erin Loury
Erin Loury

by Erin Loury Ichthyology Lab

Your $10 could solve science illiteracy!  OK, it would at least be a step in the right direction.   Why? Because $10 (and change) will pay for one subscription to Current Science magazine for Mrs. L’s class in Michigan.  “Breaking Science News” is the last project we need to fund to wrap up the Ocean Bloggers Ocean in the Classroom Initiative! The project only needs $177 more to bring exciting, current science to the hands of low-income students.   Your $10 may just seem like a drop in the bucket,  but the great thing about $10 is that you probably won’t miss it.   In fact, Dr. M at the Deep Sea News is so sure you can spare $10 that bad things will happen otherwise.

Current Science
Put fun science in the hands of kids! Donate today!

Still not convinced?  Well here’s my “Let me tell you why I gave $10” spiel.  I gave $10 to this project simply because I think communicating science is just as important as doing science itself.  We won’t be able to keep doing all the cool research we do if the population at large doesn’t understand why it’s important, or why they should care (or fund us).

Getting my hands on a similar type  of current events glossy when I was in 6th grade  was one of those world-expanding events that totally turned me on to learning.   Help make science tangible, relevant and fun for these kids in Michigan by showing them it’s part of their world!

OK, that’s my soap box.  Bottom line: even penny-pinching grad students can spare $10 for a worthy cause.   The Ocean Bloggers in The Classroom Initiative has been a smashing success so far, with 7 out of 8 great projects fully funded already (chest waders, coral reef flip-books, a salt water invert tank, and more)!  We are just $177 short.    So drop in and drop that $10, $20 or $200 today and make a difference!