Open House Countdown: 8 days!

Students at MLML pride ourselves on our ability to provide you wonderful access to our labs and activities for free during Open House. A chance for you to show your support for the efforts and research of our students is to buy tickets for our opportunity drawing! We have received dozens of wonderful donations that will be yours to win. The list includes artwork, scuba gear, kyak and surf rentals, whale watching passes, and a wide assortment of gift certificates to restaurants and hotels in the Monterey Bay area. Jewelrey, books, gift baskets – we’ll have it all! Bring your wallet to ensure you won’t leave empty-handed. One lucky person will walk away with this gorgeous photograph by Jason Bradley, fresh off disply at the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History:

Ticket prices will be:
5 tickets for $5
15 tickets for $10
40 tickets for $20
You need not be present to win. Your ticket purchases are our number one source of income – please help us make Open House a successful fundraiser to support the efforts of the MLML student body!