Student Life at Moss Landing Marine Labs
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML) administers the Master of Science in marine science degree program for California State Universities in northern and central California, and is dedicated to excellence in both education and research. San José State University oversees MLML and is the primary funding source, administering all contracts and grants, and through which all faculty and researchers are affiliated. An outfitted marine operations department, active research diving program, and state of the art equipment and instrumentation allow for cutting edge research in a wide variety of disciplines including: marine ecology; the biology of marine plants, invertebrates, fishes, turtles, birds and mammals; oceanography and marine geology; chemistry and biogeochemistry. MLML's program is internationally-known for its hands-on, field-oriented approach that places our students, faculty, researchers and staff at the frontiers of marine science, where discoveries are being made worldwide.
MLML is situated in an excellent location for the study of the marine world. The Monterey Submarine Canyon, the largest such feature on the west coast of North America, begins within a few hundred meters of the Moss Landing harbor and the MLML research fleet. To the east of MLML is the Elkhorn Slough, the largest tract of tidal salt marsh in California outside of San Francisco Bay, and an important site for shorebirds, sea otters, and fishes. To the north and south are sand dunes, sandy beaches, and extensive kelp forest habitats along the rocky shoreline. Some of the most productive kelp forests and intertidal areas can be found in this region. MLML also is located between two large upwelling centers, which provide nutrients that not only stimulate an incredible amount of productivity but also provide a wealth of opportunities to study coastal oceanic processes.
However, it isn't just the state of the art equipment, cutting edge research, and beautiful location that makes MLML a special place to study marine science - the people are what truly set it apart. MLML offers a tight knit community of researchers from all different backgrounds. MLML's community is warm and welcoming with many fun events that bring the community together including annual halloween parties, lab get-togethers, after-seminar happy hours, our Open House fundraiser, and several student body activities. Classes and thesis work can be challenging, but the connections and friendships that you make at MLML are what make it so special. So check out our student life website and see what student life website at Moss Landing Marine Labs is really all about!
Explore Student Life by clicking on the links below!
Drop-In Blog
Read our student's perspective on current research and events.
Open House
Learn about our annual fundraising event run by the students.
Student Resources
Click here for information on scholarships, student organizations, job opportunities, and more!
Prospective Students
Click here for more information about the MLML graduate program application process and requirements.
Student Spotlight
Meet MLML's student of the month!
Alumni Spotlight
Click here for recent thesis defenses and publications from our alumni!
Student Event Calendar
Current students may click here to view the student event calendar.
MLML Store
Click here to shop MLML merchandise!