Thesis Defense Roll Call – Congrats from the Drop-In!

With one more semester over and the year drawing to a close, we wanted to take a look back at the amazing thesis defense lineup of the past fall.  We got to cheer on some of our great Drop-In blog contributors as they became newly-minted Masters.  While we’re excited for them in their new endeavors, fingers crossed that they will still write for us from time to time!   Get a load of all the intelligence pouring out of Moss Landing Marine Labs:

Jeremiah Brower, the sediment master

On October 4th, Jeremiah defended his thesis, entitled, “A study of storm-induced variations in the littoral sediment transport patterns of central Monterey Bay.” Read more about Jeremiah’s love of geology and all things to do with rocks on his student profile and his blog entries!

Danielle Frechette with a salmon – she studied both halves of a bird/fish predator prey interaction.

On October 26th, Danielle Frechette talked about tracking sea gulls tagged with radio transmitters as part of her thesis entitled, “Impacts of avian predation on juvenile salmonids in central California watersheds.”  Check out Danielle’s student profile and read her blog entries!

Mariah Boyle with a long-nose skate.

On November 2nd, Mariah Boyle described the food habits of the roughtail skate and its deepsea food web with her thesis “Trophic relationships of Bathyraja trachura and sympatric fishes.” Check out Mariah’s student profile and read her blog entries!

Amanda Kahn, an expert on deepsea sponges

On December 8th, long-time Drop-In blogger and resident sponge expert Amanda Kahn defended her thesis entitlted “Mitochondrial gene arrangement in sponges, with descriptions of two new species from the abyssal northeast Pacific.”  Check out Amanda’s student profile and read her blog entires!

On December 10th,  Simon Brown gave us a statistical rundown on skate diet in his thesis entitled, “Sources of diet variation in two abundant skate species from the northern Gulf of Alaska continental shelf.”  Congrats, Simon!

Heather Hawk shows off some historical abalone specimens.

On December 15th, Heather Hawk gave us the ins and outs of abalone genetics by defending her thesis entitled “Historic diversity of the endangered white abalone Haliotis sorenseni.” Check out Heather’s student profile here!

Congratulations to all of you, and thanks for sharing all of your stories on the Drop-In!