by Mariah Boyle, Ichthyology Lab
Hi everyone, another post from your sustainable seafood enthusiast! If you don’t already know I work at FishWise, a non-profit sustainable seafood consultancy, in Santa Cruz CA while finishing up my thesis.
FishWise has just launched a new public enewsletter. You can go here (http://www.fishwise.org/contact-us) to sign up for the newsletter, and once a month we will email you top sustainable seafood news along with a species spotlight on a sustainable fish, recipes, and policy initiatives that you can support.

Also our blog also just started a photo of the week! Every Wednesday we will post a fantastic underwater photo and tell you how it applies to sustainable seafood. Check out this week’s white shark. http://www.fishwise.org/blog
If you have any questions about careers in sustainable seafood or questions about what makes seafood sustainable please post it here as a comment!