Data Analysis Tools
- Physical Habitat (PHAB) data - calculate metrics developed by EPA and SWAMP for freshwater streams sampled using EPA, SWAMP, or SNARL methods
- Benthic Macroinvertebrate (BMI) data - calculate metrics, Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) for various regions throughout California, and the new California Stream Condition Index (CSCI) for freshwater samples
- Algae and Diatom data - calculate metrics and Index of Biological Integrity (IBI)/Multi-Metric Indices (MMI)
- Sediment Quality Objectives (SQOs) data - calculate SQO values based on marine sediment chemistry, toxicity, and benthic data
- GIS data - calculate watershed delineations and GIS related information
For more information about MPSL-MLML and our services, please contact Marco Sigala via phone or email.
Online Data
Environmental Data Entry and Reporting System (eDERS)
(link requires accepting web certificate security exception)
MPSL-MLML puts control back in the hands of users with a state-of-the art online data management system. The link will require users to accept the typical web certificate security exception.
Key features of the system include:
- Enables users to manage their data securely and efficiently across the internet on their schedule
- Enables users to control granular access to their data, defining their unique level of data privacy
- Enables users to add new data types while maintaining direct export to data repositories like CEDEN and EPA’s WQX
If you currently have data within the MPSL-MLML Data Center database and would like to use the online data management system, please contact Stacey Swenson for login information. If you would like to manage your data within eDERS or if you have general data management questions, please contact Marco Sigala.
Recorded Webinars pertaining to our online data management system are also available.
eDERS Online Data Management System (57 mins) – This webinar provides a general overview and introduction to the version 2.0 eDERS data management system. The slide presentation occurs between minutes 0 and 12. A brief introduction to the online forms occurs between minutes 12 and 47. The Question and Answer portion occurs between minutes 47 and 57. Please view the webinars below for specific details regarding the updated and enhanced eDERS system.
Login and Security (4 mins) – This webinar discusses how to login and create privacy settings for your data.
File Tracking (8 mins) – This webinar discusses how to access our online data checkers and use the File Tracking forms to track the status of data file submissions related to your data.
LookUp Forms (12 mins) – This webinar discusses how to use the LookUp/Vocabulary forms to view and add valid LookUp Vocabulary values to eDERS.
Data Entry Forms (24 mins) – This webinar discusses how to use the Data Entry forms to view, add, edit, and delete your draft and final data.
Data Reporting Forms (14 mins) – This webinar discusses how to use the Data Reporting forms to view and export your data into standard, CEDEN, and SWAMP template output formats.
Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program (CCAMP) Data Navigator
The CCAMP Data Navigator allows you to view Central Coast water quality data in a number of ways, and includes graphs, maps, tables, and statistical tools. The data is sourced from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network (CEDEN) and includes data categories such as basic water quality, nutrients, metals, organics, toxicity, habitat, and bioassessment from water and sediment matrices. Please contact with any questions.
The MPSL-MLML Data Center is responsible for exporting data to the California Environmental Data Exchange Network (CEDEN). Data will be checked for comparability and will be submitted to CEDEN unless a dataset was registered as private and should be retained in the MPSL-MLML database until further notice. Common reasons why a data generator would want to retain the data in the MPSL-MLML database rather than exporting to CEDEN include final reports or manuscripts for publication using the data have not been completed or submitted.