Data and Reports
Below are several different reports and summaries regarding our findings from the California Collaborative Fisheries Research Program (CCFRP). Please check them out to find out what we've learned so far.
Angler Workshop Presentations
2022 MLML CCFRP Angler Appreciation Event and Data Workshop Presentation (MLML data from 2007-2021)
2021 MLML CCFRP Angler Appreciation Event and Data Workshop Presentation (MLML data from 2007-2020)
2019 MLML CCFRP Angler Appreciation Event and Data Workshop Presentation (MLML data from 2007 to 2018)
2018 MLML CCFRP Angler Appreciation Event and Data Workshop Presentation (MLML data from 2007 to 2017)
Poster Presentations
Examining the Effects of the Marine Heatwave on Fish Community Composition Along the Central California Coast (Western Society of Naturalist, 2021)
Latitudinal Variation in Mean Length of Adult Nearshore Rockfishes Along the California Coast (Western Society of Naturalist, 2021)
Changes in Fish Abundances in Marine Reserves in Central California from 2007-2015 (Western Groundfish Conference, 2016)
Tag Returns: How Citizen Science Can Provide Information About Nearshore Fishes (Sanctuary Currents, 2015)
Ecological Insights and Fish Population Trends from the CCFRP (Sanctuary Currents, 2014)
Volunteer Anglers of CCFRP (Western Groundfish Conference, 2014)
Relationships of catch rates to environmental variables (Western Groundfish Conference, 2014)
Other Data Compilations
CCFRP Long-term Monitoring of Nearshore Fishes (2007 to 2020)
Baseline Surveys of Nearshore Fishes in and Near Central California MPAs (2007 to 2009)
Surveys of Nearshore Fishes in and Near Central Califronia MPAs (2007 Report)

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Fisheries & Conservation Biology
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
8272 Moss Landing Road
Moss Landing, CA 95039
p: (831) 771-4479
f: (831) 632-4403