Alison Stimpert is recruiting a student for a funded master's of marine science position at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories in Moss Landing, California. The student will work on a NOAA/Navy funded collaborative project using passive acoustic monitoring to describe ocean soundscapes in the US West Coast Sanctuaries (Channel Islands, Monterey Bay, and Olympic Coast: The student will be responsible for running established Matlab code to generate analysis products, attending group meetings, and assisting with field deployments and recoveries as needed, as well as developing an individual analysis project which will become a master's thesis.

Required qualifications include those listed for applying to the CSU/MLML graduate program ( The ideal candidate will also have experience with marine bioacoustic/PAM data as well as programming in Matlab. Position includes funding through August 2021, including tuition, travel, and salary, and preference will be given to those who can begin work in January 2020. The accepted student will be expected to be an active participant in the MLML graduate program and a contributing member of the Vertebrate Ecology Lab team.
To apply, please send an email to Alison Stimpert ( with the subject line: "SanctSound MS position" that includes:
1) a brief description of your qualifications
2) 1 or 2 thesis project ideas related to the research effort listed above
3) your available start date.
Application Deadline: October 30.