By Vicky Vásquez

Every June 8th, marine and citizen scientists around the globe spread the word about celebrating our oceans and taking action to protect the diversity of life within. We are celebrating World Oceans Day on the island of Tetiaroa in French Polynesia!

The day started off with a 6am dive on the reef to retrieve some ARMS, or Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures. You can read more about ARMS here, but they are essentially a way for scientists to measure marine diversity in a standard, replicable manner all over the world.
The great thing about World Oceans Day is that you can celebrate every single day, not just once a year. Maybe you can sign up for your local beach cleanup (here's a calendar for Monterey/Santa Cruz locals), or look up the best way to recycle harmful materials in your area (things like plastic bags, bottles, etc.), or you can even become a local Sanctuary Steward.
So tell us, how did you celebrate World Oceans Day? Do you celebrate everyday or once a year? What role does a healthy ocean play in your life? Leave a comment and let us know!