Subscription Review Project

Subscription Review Project

2023-25 Journal and Database Subscription Review

In light of budget pressures, we are reviewing MLML/MBARI Research Library subscriptions for overlap with SJSU’s King Library and usage rates. Many journals are still available through MLML/MBARI and others are now only available through SJSU. This spreadsheet provides details and links to commonly used marine science journals and databases [under development]. 

Subscriptions through SJSU’s King Library are available directly through the SJSU King Library’s catalog with your OneSJSU ID. Search the SJSU catalog by article title or journal title to find what you need. All MLML affiliates also have SJSU logins. All MBARI adjuncts, interns, employees with MBARI email addresses will also have access to these resources through SJSU’s King Library. MBARIans should follow the instructions in the email from the SJSU King Library to set up a username and password.

  • American Chemical Society journals (5 titles)
  • Annual Reviews (Sciences Collection-48 titles)
  • American Institute of Physics (14 titles)
  • Engineering Village
  • IEEE Xplore
  • GeoRef database
  • Harmful Algae


  • Nature
  • Oxford journals package
  • ScienceDirect Journals (Elsevier)
  • Science magazine
  • Scopus database

Other continuing library resources ( journals, articles, books, reports, etc.) and ILL requests should still be accessed through the MLML/MBARI Research Library catalog. Databases should continue to be accessed from our webpages. Please reach out to librarian Katie Lage with any questions. I’m available for individual or group Q&A or workshops.