O’Reilly for Higher Education

O’Reilly for Higher Education

The O’Reilly for Higher Education platform (formerly the Safari ebook Technical Collection) provides access to over 35k ebooks, 30k+ hours of videos, tutorials, case studies, and conference content from over 200 of the world’s best publishers.

Both MLML and MBARI use email addresses to log into the O’Reilly Online Online Learning platform. 

  1. Click on the hyperlink on OneSearch of the book you want to access. This will bring you to the home screen for O’Reilly resources with this message:


2. On the drop down menu, click on “Not listed? Click here.” at the top of the list

O’Reilly login institution list












3. You will be prompted to use your institution email to get instant access through your library. Use your MLML, SJSU or MBARI email address

4. You will also receive an email inviting you to create a personal password. This is optional, but by doing so, you can make your account more secure and download books and videos for offline viewing.