Western Society of Naturalists is a society with a strong focus on ecology and marine biology that holds a conference every November to hear about exciting new biological research. Many members of the Moss Landing ichthyology lab attended the 2017 WSN meeting in Pasadena, CA. Some gave talks, some prepared posters, and some just came to learn!

Stephen Pang presented a talk on his thesis entitled, "The effect of male limitation on the reproductive output of two sex-changing fish (Rhinogobiops nicholsii and Lythrypnus dalli)"

Laurel Lam presented a talk on her thesis entitled, "Spatial Demographic and Life-History Variation in Lingcog (Ophiodon elongatus) along the US West Coast"

June Shrestha presented a 5-minute "speed talk" on her thesis entitled, "Fish pee: A hidden source of limiting nutrients in kelp forests"

Kristin Saksa presented a poster on her thesis entitled, "The effects of low pH and low dissolved oxygen on larval gopher rockfish (S. carnatus) survival and deformity"

Jacoby Baker presents a poster on thesis research on "Transcriptomic responses of Gopher rockfish (Sebastes carnatus) larvae to predicted upwelling conditions"

MLML "tardy-grads" compete in the lab olympics

Corey Garza (CSUMB), Cheryl Logan (CSUMB), Scott Hamilton (MLML) and Jacoby Baker (MLML student) enjoy the WSN auction