Marine Lebrec

Marine Lebrec (Graduate Student)

Marine Lebrec is originally from France, but has spent much of her life in the Pacific Northwest, where she received her B.S. in oceanography from the University of Washington. Her current research is focused on using programmable Flow Injection (pFI) analysis to develop new methods for measuring key oceanographic nutrients, such as phosphate and nitrate. As part of her thesis, she plans to apply these methods to quantify nutrient removal efficiencies of select macroalgae as potential bioremediation strategies. Additionally, she plans to collaborate with researchers to fully automate the pFI instrument and obtain a time-series in Monterey Bay. 

Marine has spent time working and studying in exciting places, including in New Zealand, Monaco, Cap Cod, and Friday Harbor. When Marine isn’t in the lab, she’s usually out surfing, biking, or at a local brewery. 
