Past Students


Miya Pavlock (2020)
Drivers of sub-seasonal to interannual shoreline change at Sunset State Beach in Monterey Bay, CA
Thesis advisor: Thomas Connolly

Cynthia Michaud (2020)
Effects of phytoplankton composition and biominerals on the episodic pulses of particulate organic carbon to abyssal depths
Thesis Advisor: Colleen Durkin, Plankton Ecology and Biogeochemistry Lab

Drew Burrier (2019)
The internal wave dynamics of Barkley Submarine Canyon
Thesis Advisor: Thomas Connolly

Patrick Daniel (2019)
Contributions of wind- and wave-induced transport to nearshore phytoplankton variability in northern California
Thesis Advisor: Thomas Connolly

C. Ryan Manzer (2017)
Physical Factors Influencing Phytoplankton Abundance in Southern Monterey Bay
Thesis Advisor: Thomas Connolly

Benjamin Y. Raanan (2016)
Environmental drivers of benthic-interior exchange events over the continental shelf of Monterey Bay, California
Thesis Advisor: Erika McPhee-Shaw


Christina Volpi (2014)
An investigation of coastal groundwater discharge and associated nutrient inputs: using electrical resistivity, temperature, and geochemical tracers in Pescadero Lagoon, California
Thesis Advisor: Erika McPhee-Shaw

Diane E. Wyse (2014)
Plankton in Monterey Bay: Optimization of optical sensor data from autonomous underwater vehicles with applications in plankton community composition
Thesis Advisor: Erika McPhee-Shaw

Shandy Buckley (2012)
The effect of wave variability on bedform dimensions
Thesis Advisor: Erika McPhee-Shaw

J. Ashley Booth (2011)
Hypoxic and low pH water in nearshore marine environments of Monterey Bay, California
Thesis Advisor: Erika McPhee-Shaw

Katherine Morrice (2011)
Dynamics of bottom boundary layer thickness in Monterey Bay canyon
Thesis Advisor: Erika McPhee-Shaw

Tanya Novak (2011)
Nitrate transport to coastal Monterey Bay: Investigating source inputs from Elkhorn Slough
Thesis Advisor: Erika McPhee-Shaw

Dustin Carrol (2009)
Carmel Bay: Oceanographic dynamics and nutrient transport in a small embayment of the central California coast
Thesis Advisor: Erika McPhee-Shaw

Francois Cazenave (2008)
Internal waves over the continental shelf in south Monterey Bay
Thesis Advisor: Erika McPhee-Shaw

Luke Valentine Beatman (2006)
Design and performance of the COOPS Sun Photometer
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow


Jodi Brewster (2005)
Evolution of iron enriched waters during the Southern Ocean iron enrichment experiment
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

William Ewing Watson (2005)
Elkhorn Slough tidal observations and predictions
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Eufemia Palomino (2002)
Determining marine particulate and dissolved material properties from measurements of their inherent optical properties in situ
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Darryl Wayne Peters (2002)
Using the Seawifs profiling mulichannel radiometer to determine water-leaving radiances
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Stephanie J. Flora (2001)
Comparison of a simple marine irradiance model to marine optical buoy measurements
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Rachel Lynne Kay (2001)
Seasonal chlorophyll variability off Baja California from SeaWiFS satellite imagery
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Brian Schlining (1999)
Seasonal intrusions of equatorial waters in Monterey Bay and their effects on mesopelagic animal distributions
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Edward Marcus Armstrong (1996)
Spring-summer sea surface temperature variability off northern and central California from AVHRR satellite imagery
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Michael Edward Feinholz (1996)
Optical and biological properties in the equatorial Pacific Ocean
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Joseph Andrew Gashler (1996)
Design and performance of the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories/Martek Beam Transmissometer
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Yong Sung Kim (1996)
Performance of the Moss Landing Marine Laboratory modified membrane covered oxygen sensor
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow


Robert Francis Barminski Jr. (1993)
Onshore and offshore effects of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in the Moss Landing, California area
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Andrew Justin Heard (1992)
A kinematic model of baroclinic tidal currents at the head of Monterey submarine canyon
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Alan Murray Swithenbank (1991)
Analysis of a multichannel oceanographic data set from San Francisco Bay by frequency, variance, and time-domain techniques
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Marilyn Ann Yuen (1990)
Red and orange fluorescence and beam attenuation to intermediate depths in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Cary Randall Wong (1989)
Observations of tides and tidal currents in Elkhorn Slough
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow


Donald E. Eliason (1985)
A numerical model of the oxygen distribution in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Katherine Sue Hauschildt (1985)
Remotely sensed surface chlorophyll and temperature distributions off central California: and their potential relations to commercial fish catches
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Alan Jay Lewitus (1984)
The distribution of in situ fluorescence, bioluminescence, and total light attenuation in the North Pacific
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Nancy Greene Teas (1982)
Observations of currents off Manzanillo, Mexico estimated using potential vorticity and density
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Jeffrey W. Nolten (1980)
In situ optical methods for chlorophyll estimation in the sea
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Russell E. Shea (1980)
The role of internal tides in the nutrient enrichment of Monterey Canyon
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Lloyd Wayne Kitazono (1978)
The chemical effects of an industrial effluent on the nearshore sediments at Moss Landing, California
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Paul Thomas Reilly (1978)
Phosphate flux from Elkhorn Slough: California
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Stephen Rogert Lasley (1977)
Hydrographic changes in Monterey Bay surface waters in relation to nearshore circulation
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Rodney R. McInnis (1976)
Correlation between the squid fishery and environmental factors in Monterey Bay, California
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow


David Dowling Blaskovich (1974)
A drift card study in Monterey Bay, California: September 1971 to April 1973
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Richard E. Smith (1974)
The hydrography of Elkhorn Slough, a shallow California coastal embayment
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

William Massie Smethie, Jr (1973)
Some aspects of the temperature, oxygen and nutrient distributions in Monterey Bay, California
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Lee R. Clark (1972)
Long period wave characteristics in Moss Landing Harbor and Elkhorn Slough
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow

Eric Rheydt Dittmer (1972)
A sediment budget analysis of Monterey Bay
Thesis Advisor: William Broenkow