Mapping Tools
A list of web mapping tools to explore projects, view CRAM scores, evaluate SLR, etc.
California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM)
The California Rapid Assessment Method is an assessment tool that provides information about the condition of a wetland and the stressors that affect it. Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, the California Coastal Commission, and the Central Coast Wetlands Group have calibrated the tool in the central coast. The Central Coast component of CRAM is part of a larger effort led by the San Francisco Estuary Institute and Southern California Coastal Water Research Project.
PMEP West Coast Estuaries Explorer
This application is useful for quickly comparing estuaries to each other along the coastlines of Washington, Oregon, and California. Using dynamic filters and an interactive map you can find estuaries that meet specific criteria; or estuaries that provide habitat for focal species of interest to you.
California Statewide Wetlands Inventory Initiative
The California Statewide Wetlands Inventory Initiative is updating U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s National Wetlands Inventory data throughout the state. Quadrangles will be updated for the region and the Central Coast Wetlands Group will provide input and field assistance to staff to ensure an accurate product. They have produced a Google Earth file of National wetlands, to go to the download page click here. For more information on NWI from CCoWS, click here.
SIMoN Interactive Maps
The Sanctuary Integrated Monitoring Network (SIMoN) has several useful interactive maps that hold a huge amount of information on water quality monitoring, ocean habitat and west coast observatories in and around the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.
Marine Map Decision Support Tool
MarineMap is an online mapping tool developed to assist in the design of marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Marine Life Protection Act Initiative process. The focus is on the south central coast.
California EcoAtlas-Central Coast
The Central Coast Wetlands Group has populated EcoAtlas (formerly Wetland Tracker) with information on restoration projects through out the central coast. The information includes location, size, habitat, and status of central coast restoration, enhancement, and creation projects.
Conservation Lands Network Explorer
The Conservation Lands Network is a five-year science-based study by over 125 organizations and individuals tasked to identify the most essential lands needed to sustain the “natural infrastructure” of our region -- a functioning web of life that gives us freshwater, wildlife, local food, fresh air and beautiful places
Use this web mapping tool to visualize community-level impacts from coastal flooding or sea level rise (up to 6 feet above average high tides). Photo simulations of how future flooding might impact local landmarks are also provided, as well as data related to water depth, connectivity, flood frequency, socio-economic vulnerability, wetland loss and migration, and mapping confidence.
Gage Gap
An analysis of California's stream gage network: Poorly gaged streams far outnumber well-gaged streams. Discover the largest gaps by watershed, explore where inactive gages offer opportunities for renewed efforts, and learn who is funding gages
California Coastal Resilience Mapping Portal
The US Coastal Resilience tools provide support for decision-makers working in the continental US identify solutions for risk reduction and conservation. They build from critical resources provided by many groups and agencies including NOAA, USGS, FEMA, USFWS, TNC and the Natural Capital Project.
Conservation Action Tracker
This site shares information about conservation projects on the Central Coast.
California 303 (d) impaired waterbodies
This very important mapping tool provides users with information on water quality impairments across the State. On October 11, 2011, EPA issued its final decision regarding the waters EPA added to the State's 303(d) list, which can be viewed here.
Santa Cruz Water Quality
This site displays the most recent water quality data available for Santa Cruz. In some cases sites are not all sampled on the same day.
Central Coast Web Mapper
The Central Coast Wetland Mapper is an Internet-based, interactive, GIS planning tool that provides descriptive and spatial wetland and watershed data for California’s Central Coast. This tool can be used to distribute information, analyze permits, and identify and prioritize wetlands for conservation projects.