
Selected Publications

Here you will find selected relevant publications from the MLML Biological Oceanography lab, and from Dr. Sarah Smith. Prospective students who are developing their interest in Biological Oceanography are encouraged to review these publications to help evaluate whether the research being conducted may be a good fit for their interests.

Buesseler, K, Leinen, M, Ramakrishna, K, Chai, F, Smith, S, Wells, M, Yoon, J. (29 June 2022). Why we need a code of conduct for ocean-based carbon dioxide removal. World Economic Forum.

Smith, SR, & Allen, AE. “Comparative and Functional Genomics of Macronutrient Utilization in Marine Diatoms.” The Molecular Life of Diatoms, edited by T. Mock & A. Falciatore. Springer, Cham. 2022. 529-566.

Kumar, M, Zuniga, C, Tibocha-Bonilla, JD, Smith, SR, Coker, J, Allen, AE, & Zengler, K . “Constraint-Based Modeling of Diatoms Metabolism and Quantitative Biology Approaches.” The Molecular Life of Diatoms, edited by T. Mock & A. Falciatore. Springer, Cham. 2022. 775-808.

Oliver, A, Podell, S, Pinowska, A, Traller, J, Smith, SR, McClure, R, Beliaev, A, Bohutskyi, P, Hill, E, Rabines, A, & others. (2021). Diploid genomic architecture of Nitzschia inconspicua, an elite biomass production diatom. Scientific Reports 11(1): 1-14.

Smith, SR, Dupont, CL, McCarthy, JK, Broddrick, JT, Oborník, M, Horák, A, Füssy, Z, Cihlář, J, Kleessen, S, Zheng, H, & others. (2019). Evolution and regulation of nitrogen flux through compartmentalized metabolic networks in a marine diatom. Nature Communications, 10(1), 1–14.

Broddrick, JT, Du, N, Smith, SR, Tsuji, Y, Jallet, D, Ware, MA, Peers, G, Matsuda, Y, Dupont, CL, Mitchell, BG, & others. (2019). Cross-compartment metabolic coupling enables flexible photoprotective mechanisms in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. New Phytologist, 222, 1364–1379.

McCarthy, JK, Smith, SR, McCrow, JP, Tan, M, Zheng, H, Beeri, K, Roth, R, Lichtle, C, Goodenough, U, Bowler, CP, & others. (2017). Nitrate reductase knockout uncouples nitrate transport from nitrate assimilation and drives repartitioning of carbon flux in a model pennate diatom. The Plant Cell, 29(8), 2047–2070.

Caron, DA, Alexander, H, Allen, AE, Archibald, JM, Armbrust, EV, Bachy, C, Bell, CJ, Bharti, A, Dyhrman, ST, Guida, SM, & others. (2017). Probing the evolution, ecology and physiology of marine protists using transcriptomics. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 15(1), 6–20.

Smith, SR, Gillard, JT, Kustka, AB, McCrow, JP, Badger, JH, Zheng, H, New, AM, Dupont, CL, Obata, T, Fernie, AR, & others. (2016). Transcriptional orchestration of the global cellular response of a model pennate diatom to diel light cycling under iron limitation. PLoS Genetics, 12(12), e1006490.

Smith, SR, Glé, C, Abbriano, RM, Traller, JC, Davis, A, Trentacoste, E, Vernet, M, Allen, AE, & Hildebrand, M. (2016). Transcript level coordination of carbon pathways during silicon starvation-induced lipid accumulation in the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. New Phytologist, 210(3), 890–904.

Keeling, PJ, Burki, F, Wilcox, HM, Allam, B, Allen, EE, Amaral-Zettler, LA, Armbrust, EV, Archibald, JM, Bharti, AK, Bell, CJ, & others. (2014). The Marine Microbial Eukaryote Transcriptome Sequencing Project (MMETSP): Illuminating the functional diversity of eukaryotic life in the oceans through transcriptome sequencing. PLoS Biol, 12(6), e1001889.

Trentacoste, EM, Shrestha, RP, Smith, SR, Glé, C, Hartmann, AC, Hildebrand, M, & Gerwick, WH. (2013). Metabolic engineering of lipid catabolism increases microalgal lipid accumulation without compromising growth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(49), 19748–19753.

Smith, SR, Abbriano, RM, & Hildebrand, M. (2012). Comparative analysis of diatom genomes reveals substantial differences in the organization of carbon partitioning pathways. Algal Research, 1(1), 2–16.

Hildebrand, M, Davis, AK, Smith, SR, Traller, JC, & Abbriano, R. (2012). The place of diatoms in the biofuels industry. Biofuels, 3(2), 221–240.

For more articles by Dr. Sarah Smith, please click here.