Life History Database
A life history data matrix is currently being compiled using all pertinent literature to analyze what is known and, more importantly, what is not known about the life histories, distributions, and population dynamics of chondrichthyans (sharks, skates, rays, and chimaeras) from the eastern North Pacific (ENP). The ENP as defined here includes the area ranging from the eastern Bering Sea to the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula. The data matrix will include approximately 108 species that are reported to occur in the region. The species-specific format will allow those interested to quickly access details including; diet, fecundity, genetic variance, growth rate, intrinsic rate of population increase, longevity, mortality estimates, movement patterns, nursery areas, parasites, size-at-birth, taxonomy, and the reproductive cycle. Aspects of the life history for which no information is available from the ENP will be clearly noted in the matrix and will help to guide the PSRC toward research projects that will fill those gaps in knowledge. The completed ENP Chondrichthyan Life History Data Matrix will be distributed to fisheries management agencies and be made available to the public through the PSRC’s website. Once completed, information in the data matrix will be updated as new information becomes available. The format is similar to a life history data matrix researchers from Moss Landing Marine Laboratories’ Ichthyology Lab produced in 2002 for 124 species of California nearshore marine fishes.