To develop novel technologies for enhancing the sustainability and productivity of current aquaculture practices. MLML Aquaculture Facility hopes to lead the way in developing a rigorous foundation and policy for aquaculture science and in training the workforce and leaders in sustainable aquaculture in California, the United States, and worldwide.
• Advance interdisciplinary aquaculture research among CSU campuses
• Innovate in onshore and land-based system technologies for the aquaculture industry in California
• Expand research into the use of aquaculture in clean technology applications for a variety of resource recovery settings
• Develop new curricula and training programs for undergraduate and graduate students in aquaculture science
• Inform the public and policy makers regarding sustainable aquaculture
• Train CSU students for jobs in the burgeoning aquaculture industry
• Inform the evolving standards and regulations for aquaculture
• Stimulate growth of the aquaculture industry in California, particularly in key areas where it is currently lacking
• Promote the development of economically and environmentally sustainable food and energy resources
The Aquaculture Facility at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML) is centered around the recently-dedicated MLML Aquaculture Facility and involves faculty members and researchers from throughout the CSU, as well as a range of industry and outreach partners. In April 2015 we received a grant from the Council on Ocean Affairs, Science, and Technology (COAST) Strategic Investment Program to develop a funding strategy and a research and curricular plan for the MLML Aquaculture Facility. The grant ran from July 2015 to December 2016, included co-investigators from MLML, San Diego State University and Cal State East Bay and was led by MLML’s Prof. Mike Graham.
The following posts represent the vision of the Faculty, Staff, and Students of MLML regarding future plans for MLML. It represents the collective aspirations as MLML grows in size, capability, and stature. Our recently completed Strategic Plan identifies a number of areas in which we can improve.
Recent Posts
The Academic Village
In 2005, MLML and the SJSU Research Foundation purchased 9.2 acres adjacent to the main MLML building (Figs. 1 & 2) with the intent of building an Academic Village. Anyone that has attended MLML realizes that one of the main impediments to student life here is housing. It is a critical need for everyone, but […]Our New Aquaculture Program at MLML
Possibly some of you are aware of the statistics from the FAO report that are contained in the “State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture”: 31% of commercial wild fish stocks are overfished Yet global per capita fish consumption has increased to 20kg annually Minimal increase in wild caught seafood since 1980 (see graph below) But […]