
Dr. Dustin Carroll, Project Director

Dr. Dustin Carroll is a physical oceanographer and data scientist who uses state-of-the-art numerical ocean models and observations to advance our understanding of how freshwater, ice, and biogeochemical systems interact with coastal and large-scale ocean circulation. Dr. Carroll is the lead developer of the NASA-funded ECCO-Darwin ocean biogeochemistry model and has conducted extensive fieldwork in Antarctica, the Alaskan Arctic, and Greenland. He cares deeply about conserving our oceans and communicating science in a way that connects people with pertinent issues in our changing climate. Dr. Carroll is a project director at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories and an affiliate scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Orchid ID:


Dr. Raphaël Savelli, Research Associate

Dr. Raphaël Savelli is a marine biologist specializing in numerical modeling and data analysis to study land-ocean biogeochemical fluxes. As a Research Associate at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, he develops modeling tools to assess climate and human impacts across the land-to-ocean aquatic continuum (LOAC). Previously, at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, he advanced the ECCO-Darwin model, integrating terrestrial fluxes of carbon and nutrients into the data-assimilative solution. His expertise spans plankton ecology, coastal biogeochemistry, ecosystem modeling, and remote sensing data analysis, paving the way for a comprehensive view of carbon cycling at the land-sea interface. Orchid ID: