Sponsor an annual colloquium on research needs of the aquaculture industry.
Generate support for infrastructure to create state-of-the-art facilities.
Advance research designed to answer relevant questions regarding sustainable practices.
Partnership with industries aimed at solving real problems in aquaculture science and production, and addressing broader societal issues (e.g., biofuels/energy independence, food security, and restoration of natural populations).
Solving Impediments to the Co-Culture of Seaweeds and Shellfish
Mike Graham and Scott Hamilton received $132,000 of funding from NOAA Sea Grant to investigate how integrated multi-trophic aquaculture of seaweeds and shellfish (oysters and abalone) may potentially mitigate the negative effects of ocean acidification on shellfish growth. Changing ocean pH is having negative impacts on oyster growers in the Pacific Northwest, and potentially on any shellfish growers, especially at the hatchery/nursery scale. Seaweeds, however, thrive off increased carbon dioxide and can buffer ocean acidification. We have added 24 new 300-gallon tanks to create a replicated design to assess the effectiveness of various species of seaweed in mitigating different acidification scenarios on the growth and health of shellfish. We are partnering with Hog Island Oysters and Monterey Abalone Company in this project. We are measuring shellfish growth with and without the seaweed buffer and seaweed growth with and without the added shellfish nutrients. In addition to providing much needed experimental scientific information on the effects of ocean acidification on shellfish hatcheries/nurseries, this project may demonstrate the utility of land-based integrates seaweed-abalone farms for expansion of the shellfish industry in California. Monitor the aquarium oxygen levels here.