Ivano Aiello

Ivano Aiello

Professor of Geological Oceanography


Email: ivano.aiello@sjsu.edu

Phone: (831) 771-4480

Research Interests

Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Paleomagnetism, Field Geology, Structural Geology

Ivano is a Professor of Geological Oceanography at San Jose State University at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. At MLML Ivano teaches several graduate courses on different topics and methodologies concerning Marine Geology and cross-disciplinary fields in marine sciences.

Ivano advises several graduate students whose Master's projects include a variety of field based marine and coastal geological studies. The lab is multidisciplinary is the sense that students combine to different degrees geology with a variety of other disciplines in marine sciences (e.g. marine ecology, biology).

Dr. Aiello is a marine geologist with multiple lines of research not only in the geosciences field but also in cross-disciplinary fields. Dr. Aiello uses different analytical methods and tools for sedimentological-mineralogical analyses that include laser particle sizing, optical and electron microscopy, X-ray microanalysis, and laser- and sounds-based system for micro-topographic surveys of coastal environments as well as the nearshore. Dr. Aiello's lab lines of research can be generally grouped into three main directions: 1) the investigation of marine sediments to reconstruct past climate and oceanographic change, 2) the study of marine sediments as extreme habitats for life, 3) morphodynamics of nearshore, coastal and wetland habitats.