Currently a Research Technician in the Phycology Lab, Dan became a student in the lab in 2016, adamant on conducting a SCUBA diving thesis, and ended up studying epiphyte-host population dynamics between Pyropia and Nereocystis. Though he graduated with an M.S. in 2021, his time at Moss Landing was spent contributing substantially to the construction of MLML culturing systems and infrastructure (macroalgal, microalgal, and invertebrate), and he participated in numerous grant-funded studies on projects ranging from bioremediation to seaweed and invertebrate conservation aquaculture. He continues to provide weekly critique on Phycology students’ Master’s research in an effort to encourage rigorous and relevant science. Dan is also currently employed as the Chief Scientist at Monterey Bay Seaweeds, the leading land-based seaweed farm for human consumption in the US.
Research Interests:
- Macroalgal culturing
- Macroalgal ecology