Acy Wood

Acy Wood

Graduate Student



Acy received his undergraduate degree from Western Washington University in 2016. While at WWU, he studied abroad at the University of Victoria within the Salish Sea, and at Autonomous University of Baja California Sur within the Sea of Cortez.

Acy joined the phycology lab in 2018, and he is studying foundation species interactions utilizing Fucus distichus, the Common Rockweed, within the San Francisco Bay area. While at MLML, Acy has worked on developing and refining F. distichus transplantation methods as a tool to research the effect of F. distichus canopy on the endangered Olympia Oyster. He is also a Graduate Fellow at Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, and is the Volunteer Coordinator at the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Exploration Center.

Research Interests: 
  • Ecology
  • Morphology
  • Foundation Species
  • Community Interactions