
In review

Huffard, C., C.A. Durkin, S. Wilson, P. McGill, R. Henthorn, K.L Smith Jr. 2019. Hourly to seasonal variability of particle flux to abyssal depths. Deep Sea Research II in review

Preston, C., C.A. Durkin, K. Yamahara. 2019. DNA metabarcoding reveals organisms contributing to particulate matter flux to abyssal depths in the North East Pacific Ocean. Deep Sea Research II in review


Howard E.M., C.A. Durkin, G.M.M. Hennon, F. Ribalet, R.H.R. Stanley. 2017. Biological production, export efficiency, and phytoplankton communities across 8000 km of the South Atlantic: Basin scale similarity with mesoscale variability. Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 31, 1066–1088

Estapa, M., C. A. Durkin, K. O. Buesseler, R. Johnson, M. Feen. 2017. Carbon flux from bio-optical profiling floats: calibrating transmissometers for use as optical sediment traps. Deep Sea Research I. 120:100-111

Durkin, C. A., J. A. Koester, S. J. Bender, E. V. Armbrust. 2016. The evolution of silicon transporters in diatoms. Journal of Phycology 52:716-731 (link to full text)

Durkin, C. A., B. A. S. Van Mooy, S. T. Dyhrman, K. O. Buesseler. 2016. Sinking phytoplankton associated with carbon flux in the Atlantic Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography 61:1172-1187  (link to full text)

Durkin, C. A., Estapa, M. L., K. O. Buesseler. 2015. Observations of carbon export by small sinking particles in the upper mesopelagic. Marine Chemistry.175: 72-81 (link to full text)

Bender, S.J., C.A. Durkin, C.T. Berthiaume, R.L. Morales, E.V. Armbrust. 2014. Transcriptional responses of three model diatoms to nitrate limitation of growth. Frontiers in Marine Science, 1: 1-15. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2014.00003 (link to full text)

Durkin, C.A, S.J. Bender, K.Y.K. Chan, K. Gaessner, D. Grunbaum, E.V. Armbrust. 2013. Silicic acid supplied to coastal diatom communities influences cellular silicification and the potential export of carbon. Limnology and Oceanography. 58: 1707-1726. (link to full text)

Durkin, C.A., A. Marchetti, S.J. Bender, T. Truong, R. Morales, and E.V. Armbrust. 2012. Frustule-related gene transcription and the influence of diatom community composition on silica precipitation in an iron-limited environment. Limnology and Oceanography 57: 1619-1633. (link to full text)

Marchetti, A.M., D.M. Schruth, C.A. Durkin, M.S. Parker, R. Kodner, C.T. Berthiaume, R. Morales, A.E. Allen, and E.V. Armbrust. 2012. Comparative metatranscriptomics identifies molecular bases for the physiological responses of phytoplankton to varying iron availability. PNAS. 109: E317-E325 (link to full text)

Rhodes, L.D., C.A. Rice, C.M. Greene, D.J. Teel, S.L. Nance, P. Moran, C.A. Durkin, and S.B. Gezhegne. 2011. Nearshore ecosystem predictors of a bacterial infection in juvenile Chinook salmon. Marine Ecology Progress Series 432: 161-172 (PDF)

Ribalet, F., A. Marchetti, K.A. Hubbard, K. Brown, C.A. Durkin, R. Morales, M. Robert, J.E. Swalwell, P.D. Tortell, and E.V. Armbrust. 2010. Unveiling a phytoplankton hotspot at a narrow boundary between coastal and offshore waters. PNAS. 107: 16571-16576. (link to full text)(PDF)

Durkin, C.A, T. Mock, and E.V. Armbrust. 2009. Chitin in diatoms and its association with the cell wall. Eukaryotic Cell. 8: 1038-1050. (link to full text)  (PDF)

Mock, T., M. P. Samanta, V. Iverson, C. Berthiaume, M. Robison, K. Holtermann, C. Durkin, S.S. BonDurant, K. Richmond, M. Rodesch, T. Kallas, E. L. Huttlin, F. Cerrina, M. R. Sussmann, and E. V. Armbrust. 2008. Whole-genome expression profiling of the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana identifies genes involved in silicon bioprocesses. PNAS 105:1579-1584. (link to full text)(PDF)

Bowler, C., and others. 2008. The Phaeodactylum genome reveals the evolutionary history of diatom genomes. Nature 456: 239-244. (link to full text) (PDF)

Rhodes, L.D., C.A. Durkin, S.L. Nance, C.A. Rice. 2006. Prevalence and analysis of Renibacterium salmoninarum infection among juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha in North Puget Sound. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 71: 179–190. (link) (PDF)